Most irritating TV/Movie Character EVER!

Gottfried and David Spade are two “actors” who elicit a Pavlovian change-the-channel response in me.

Also, Julia Roberts is vastly over-rated.

Silas from Survivor: Africa.

Winn Adami from Star Trek: DS9. I don’t think I had ever cheered someone dying before her death in the final episode and know I haven’t since.

Self righteousness and naked ambition personified.

“Joe Pesci’s character in the never-ending Lethal Weapon series - Leo somebody…He’s like nails on a chalkboard.”

Leo Getz as in Leo Gets something for ya…yeah he’s pretty annoying, but not the worst.

I always wanted to slap McCauley Culkin’s ass, damn he’s still annoying. Still not the worst…

I would have liked ‘Casino’ a lot more if Sharron Stone’s character was not in it.

It is ironic because her acting was very good in it, it was so good that she managed to create a character that pissed me off (allmost repulsed me in fact).

Didn’t everyone. I agree.

But remember this - Upham killed the guy who killed our favourite character - (name escapes me - John something - played by Hanks)

Roscoe P. Coltrain - guh guh - and I agree. Enos wasn’t much better.

That noxious little Pepsi girl from a few years ago.

Note to Lobsang: Spoiler tags are your friend.:wink:

I guess he’s not really a TV “character”, but since don’t ask mentioned David Letterman, I’ve got to mention Jay Leno. The most annoying, irritating and idiotic person on TV today. I can’t stand him!!!

And while we’re on the subject of talk show hosts, let’s throw out Jimmy Kimmel’s name just for fun. Come to think of it, he might be MORE annoying than Leno!!


Sorry Hellokitty and everyone else!

That smug abominable Whoopi Goldberg character in Star Trek - The Spin Off. Can’t recall her name, but good grief, she was irritating.

Guinan. I have no problem with her.

She features quite a bit in the first film involving the Next Generation crew. (‘Generations’)


Bill Murray as Bob in What About Bob? One long needy, whine disguised as a comedic performance. What bizarro world did they live in that Richard Dreyfuss’ family liked him? What bizarro world do I live in, that most of the people I know like this film?

The brat in the Problem Child flicks. How is this little sociopath supposed to be cute and entertaining?

Martin Short in Clifford. I see why this film sat on a shelf for years. The only thing less cute and entertaining than a child sociopath is a grown man playing a child sociopath. Badly.

Ernest P. Worrell. Y’know wut ah mean?

Erin Brocovich. Because dressing like a hooker and then getting in people’s faces when they look down on you because you dress like a hooker makes you better than them. Isn’t that baiting?

Chris Tucker in anything.

David Arquette in nearly anything.


Bob Saget on both his shows. I hope he got rich playing second fiddle to the Troll Doll Twins and introducing crotch shot videos so this twit never has to waste the public airwaves again.

The robot girl on Small Wonder. Was the girl doped on qualudes to get that performance?

Ellen Travolta on Charles In Charge: HihoneyI’mnotlistening toanythingyou’resayingI’mjustspoutingmylinesasfastaspossibleto getthroughthesceneandcollectmypaychecky’knowtheyonlyhireme becausemybrotherisJohnTravoltaandthenamelooksgoodinthe

Walker, Texas Ranger. It’s nice to know they are giving acting roles to the catatonic now. And even letting them sing the theme song.

The cast of JAG for being so goody-goody, smug, and self-rightous. Yes, Catherine Bell is hot, but her character still sucks.

Phobe from Friends. The only shittier than that smelly cat, is the pointlessness of this character. Maybe if they showed her smoking pot to explain why she’s so daft.

Marshall on Alias. Maybe now that he’s working for the real CIA, he can get laid and he’ll settle down. Speed kills, son.

That should be Phoebe. I’m the Phobe…of correct spelling.

This is who came to my mind immediately when viewing the thread title. I’m watching an interesting and nice-looking movie and WHAM, Chris Tucker’s character comes in and completely destroys the mood of the movie (to me, anyway). I can’t fathom how anyone can find this guy watchable, much less funny.

In fact, as much as I love most Jackie Chan movies, I can’t bring myself to even try to watch Rush Hour. Maybe George Lucas could get the rights and digitally erase Tucker’s character. :smiley:

Frickin’ Julia Sugarbaker from Designing Women. Just about every character on that show is an average level of annoying, but to be the most annoying person in a cast of already-annoying characters is impressive. How does she manage to read every single line like she’s talking down to a small, dimwitted child who’s just used an ungrammatical sentence with a racial slur in it?

Ooh, good call on Julia Sugarbaker.

Characters played by actors who were convinced they could sing and had to work it in as often as possible, most notably Linda Lavin’s ALICE.

I don’t know if “reality TV” (which is neither reality nor TV… discuss) fixtures would count as “TV characters”, but if they do then I have to add Kelly Osbourne and glamorous Anna, fabulous Anna, stupid Anna, why-was-she-born Anna… Anna Nicole. I’d love to see every member of that cast arrested and deported to re-education camps north of the Canadian Shield. (I’d pardon her adolescent son since he can’t help who he was born to and the dog, but the lawyer, the lesbian, and the “star” get given two days rations of seal blubber jerkey and a think blanket and that’s it.)

Another vote to eviscerate Jar-Jar on public TV. I’m still POed over the $7.50 I paid to be annoyed by that miscreant…Timmy

P.S. - and any character played by Tom Cruise, but that goes without saying

And how many hookers do you know again?
And I can’t believe we are on page two without a single mention of Dawn "It’s all about me now Get out Get Out GET OUT " Summers. I hope the series finale includes her getting her screechy voicebox ripped out by some horrible uber demon.