Most violent action you have ever taken on a "Black Friday"

Maybe I’m a week late here, but what is the most violent action you have ever taken on a “Black Friday?”

Does opening a beer and watching the feeding frenzy from a distance count?

Rolling over and going back to sleep.

I used coupons at Walgreens. Their scanner wouldn’t work so the clerk had to key them in. Cue much sighing and eye rolling and exclaiming over wasted time… by the clerk.

If I hadn’t been getting a crapload of free stuff, I would have walked.

I’ve never done anything. But someone around here called in bomb threats to all the big box stores in town (but none of the many locally-owned stores). Nothing came of it other than the stores had to shut down for a few hours.

I was very amused by the whole thing.

I once swore because I couldn’t find a parking space.

I tore apart a slaughtered creature and devoured its remains. I mean, there was leftover turkey.

I helped haul a variety of furniture and boxes so someone could move. Don’t think that counts as extremely violent in terms of shopping though.

Nothing. I don’t do black Friday.

I once went to Best Buy on Black Friday by accident. My brother’s birthday is close to Thanksgiving (today, actually) and I decided I needed to get him some kind of video game accessory. But I completely and totally forgot what day it was and the implications of shopping on that day. Fortunately I am a lazy ass so I didn’t get there until after 1pm, when most of the nuts had already come and gone. But it was still packed. I found the item I needed, thought, “Gee, there are a lot of people here,” and went to get in line to check out. Then, “Why the hell is this line wrapped around through Small Appliances? Holy. . .OH, NO! IT’S THAT SHOPPING DAY!”

I stayed in line. To this day, I don’t know why. I might have accidentally jostled someone in the process. That was my most violent action on a Black Friday. I have never left the house again on that day.

Muttering under my breath that I guess sooooome people don’t respect lines.

I killed about 125 orcs in LOTRO, does that count?

Well, and we also rended [rent?] a slaughtered beast … snarfed down leftover turkey :smiley:

mrAru’s boat once launched a practice mark 48 torpedo at a junked vessel … maybe that counts?

Went to the mall in the evening with then boyfriend under pretense of using him to get through crowds…there were none (bah humbug). However, he did get us kicked out of Hallmark (luckily I had already made my purchase) by setting off each and every one of the jingle pals and other animated decorations that were displayed around the rather large store…

That stupid asshole that got the TV I wanted: I killed him. When he was leaving the store, I went to my car and then positioned myself so I could easily follow him from the parking lot. As he got on the freeway, I figured out what I was going to do. When we hit the curve right before the intersection with highway 10, I rammed him in his left rear quarter panel and forced him into the spillway. As his SUV hit the water at 70 MPH, I had the incredible satisfaction of knowing the fucker was going to die. I pulled over, and pretending to be a concerned citizen, I applied the coup de grace when I forced my knee into his neck feeling the cartlidge and bone grind under the pressure I applied. The TV, clearly visible in the back of his ruined, flooding SUV, was ruined, but I didn’t care. My holiday had suddenly gotten brighter knowing that one less asshole was in the world…

What? Too dark? Let’s face it, this is the story you were hoping to hear.

I once told my ex-wife to go back to bed and leave alone. That’s as violent as I get.

I’ve been in bar fights on Black Friday, but I’m a bouncer…

Well, no, actually I was hoping to read a wide variety of stories.

Sorry that you didn’t get the TV that you had wanted, though.

I may have pressed the “Enter” key a little hard at some point.

I’m one of the people who avoids going to stores on that day.

This question doesn’t even compute.

When I was an employee at a certain store back during the “Furby Craze”, I once “misplaced” a carton of Furbies (I put the box in a different stockroom, under a pile of other stuff headed to the floor) so that a family member could buy 2 of them without running all over town looking for them.

The store manager busted me, right as I was taking the carton to unload them on the shelf. He just laughed and said something about all those “poor people waiting outside in the snow this morning who went home without a Furby”, what a shame, and would I mind working a double shift that night?

I worked the double. :slight_smile: