Mother charged because kids sneak out?

Why are parents being criminally charged for incredibly silly things? It’s come to a point where I’m afraid to become a parent in the future, not just because kids are nutz and It’s a wonder they make it to adult hood at all (I know I only made it by sheer luck!), but because if some accident happens there’s a good chance I’ll end up in jail!

This is local news here:

Apparently the lady was staying at a friend’s house. There were other adults in the house and the kids were asleep. She left the house for whatever reason, to smoke? To look at the night sky? Who knows, the story doesn’t say. Perhaps she needed fresh air because apparently, a relative had been recently murdered?

Whatever the reason, she left the house. The kids woke up while she was gone and managed to leave the house and travel quite a bit before beign found by a cabbie near an A&P.

What the fuck did this lady do wrong? Why on earth is she being charged with child endangerment?!?

When I become a parent, does the state assume I will handcuff myself to my kids? That I must be in the same room with them at all times. That if they manage to sneak outside the house, it must be my fault and I should go to jail?

My three year old cousin is capable of unlocking the front door of the house and has been caught doing so. If she would have gotten out because her mom had ot go to the bathroom, she turned around for an instant to pick up the phone, etc, would she have been thrown in jail?

This is fucking ridiculous. Like being a parent isn’t hard enough.

oops, this should be in the pit. I shouldn’t post so late. Sorry.

Little kids in strange houses routinely get confused and scared in the middle of the night. Mommy shouldn’t be wandering off for a few hours at 3am. What are the kids going to do when they wake up and she isn’t around?

Go looking for her, that’s what.

BTW, when you’re a parent, you’ll do something to ensure your children don’t get out of the house to wander around the streets in the middle of the night. The parent who shrugs his shoulders and acts like it’s an inevitable consequence of kids being nutz, is a crappy parent who endangers his children with poor parenting.

“It appears the boys walked from a house in Cliffside Park, leaving out the front door unnoticed by another adult who was sleeping in the house. Their mother left about an hour before the kids.”

OK that does sound a bit ridiculous on the face of it. Children get left in the care of other adults for all sorts of reasons.

All I can think of is theres more to the story than the report suggests. Maybe the other adult wasnt a fit carer or hadnt been informed the mother was leaving?


The only thing I’d blame her for was not locking the door behind her. Even if the kids hadn’t sneaked out, someone else could have gotten in.

Where does it say that she left the front door unlocked? A three year old could open a locked door.

It boils down to this. Parents are responsible for their kids, for their safety, care and well being.

That woman, to say the least “slipped up”… at worst she was negligent.

The “I can’t control my teen” types so popular on the Jerry Springer type shows probably did not provide much example of self disipline or limits to their kids when they were young.

I don’t belive in the "bad seed’ theory as I do “Unsutable growing conditions”