There’s a guy I know peripherally. Nice kid, friend-of-a-friend, good guitar player. Funny.
He’s also a raging drunk. As in, an honest-to-goodness chemical dependence. As in, whenever he’s clean, every cashier in a 5-mile radius of his house asks “No beer today?” if he’s not getting a case whenever he buys anything else. As in, he tried to go cold turkey and had a half dozen seizures in 24 hours from DT, after which he was in the hospital for a week. His skin and eyes are yellow, and his nose is bright red.
His doctors give him less than a couple of months before his kidneys and/or liver give out completely unless he sobers up.
So he’s back out of rehab, after a few weeks of twelve stepping, and fell off the wagon in a couple of hours, after threatening to kill his parents and trying to kill himself. Back to the hospital for a three day hold, and more “group.”
These motherfuckers, and his sainted, but clueless parents, have convinced him that recovery is primarily - no - completely - a psychological victory. That his only choice is to go stone cold sober, and “deal” with the DTs, or keep drinking and/or kill himself. That it’s all about “willpower.”
His friends are trying to get him to ask for some benzos - at least some fucking Valium - but we’re not having a helluva lot of luck. Honestly, if his folks were behind it, we could probably get him to do it, but the excuses I’m hearing right now from him sound suspiciously like the self justifying bullshit you hear from a seriously misguided twelve-stepper; that they’re just “another drug,” that it’s “trading one addiction for another,” that he’s not gonna change unless he “hits rock bottom.”
Right now, he’s sitting in his old room at his parents house, shaking, and contemplating suicide. And I’m sitting here pissed as hell at those superior fucks who want him that way. Instead of letting him have a couple of Xanax to see him to the next sunrise, they’d have him fight some hopeless moral battle with a fucking chemical compound that doesn’t give a shit about morals.
Seriously, fuck you, you delusional, self righteous peices of shit.
I realize a few things - that I’m not a doctor, that many folks in AA have no problem with medication, and that it’s ultimately his responsibility to keep himself alive. But it fucking heartbreaking to watch, made more so by the fact that these idiots are abetting it.