This happened in Athens, Greece. This is the old center of the city where most streets are very narrow. The car was double parked in such a way that the public bus couldn’t turn and got stuck. Soon chaos ensued. The stuck motorists called the police, but the tow truck got stuck too in the traffic congestion.
Agree… not really. I don’t think vigilanteism is a good solution to parking violations.
I won’t deny that I got a self-righteous sense of “serves those assholes right” glee at seeing this particular case happen, though. I can easily see myself going along with such a mob in the heat of the moment.
The guy was an ass for parking his car that way. I’m sure he knew there was some chance of some sort of consequence.
The other guy was also an ass for wrecking the parked car. Traffic had to move though, and he probably knows the law and considered the risk of getting caught acceptable
There are better ways to handle it. If you have enough people you can just pick the car up and move it without causing damage. In the case cited in the OP, you’re committing vandalism in response to a traffic infraction, so your moral high ground is shaky.
Yeah it looks like there was space to move it over or “park” it. When I was in high school people would leave their cars in the band practice lot (it was a parking lot by day, with huge signs about moving your car) and all of the boys would pick up the cars and move them. No one ever wanted to harm the car, just get it out of the way.
I guess there weren’t enough teenage band nerds around to get the car moved proper.
Yes, I think it might scratch the clear coat. I doubt the crew left a note on the window as a clue to trace them down and pursue legal action.
There would be some denting also. If enough people were available to gently push it back on the tires without rocking it, the damage could be kept to a minimum, although there could be suspension damage from the bounce. A gentile easing down with a tow truck truck strap to support it could avoid that.
The perps probably rationalize it and fob off the damage by convincing themselves that insurance will pay for it and there will be no cost.
I was going to say it’s an overreaction, but if it’s snarling up all the local traffic to the point where they couldn’t get a tow truck in there, I kind of understand. I wouldn’t punish the people who flipped the car, that’s for sure. I am a little surprised that they weren’t able to find the driver before things came to that point - surely they couldn’t have gone far?
Regardless of morality, I’ll bet that guy never parks in the middle of the road again.
Fuck the moral high ground. Put me down as the one that thinks the asshole got what was coming to him, and who would probably point and laugh if he turned up and burst into tears at his lovely Audi parked on its side.
Fuck you mate. Your actions affected a lot of people. I feel no sympathy that those actions turned out to have consequences.
It wouldn’t do any damage to the engine or anything? Fluids running where they’re not supposed to or anything like that? I know nothing about cars so I have no idea.
Oddly enough, that was a legal move by the fire department. At a fire scene, the fire officer in charge has near-absolute legal authority. If a car blocking a hydrant, he can order the car destroyed if necessary to run the supply hose to the engine, and the car owner is SOL.
Let’s say that it did sufficient damage to the car that the owner will have to work 200 hours to pay for its repair or replacement.
Let’s say that it snarled up traffic sufficiently that 200 people would have lost an hour of their time if the problem hadn’t been so decisively solved.
Given the fact that the owner is the one responsible for the problem, I think it’s fair that he’s the one who pays that cost in hours, not everyone else.
If the car could have been moved gently, then sure, that’s a better option (along with a massive ticket for the jerk who parked it like that). But I don’t think the owner has any right to complain if he parked the car with such callous disregard for the other people who live in his city.
Shouldn’t do. Some local brain dead… things[sup]*[/sup]… flipped my Great-Uncle’s car last year (parked, fully legally outside my parents’ house, as he was visiting) and though it had quite a few dents, and I think had to have the passenger door replaced, it was working OK, despite the trail of oil down the street.
I wouldn’t get as upset about this as I was about my Uncle’s though; leaving it parked that stupidly for long enough for that much commotion to happen? Fuck him.
[sup]*[/sup]My imagination gave out, I can’t think of a sufficient insult for a whole group who got drunk, and thought trashing a 70-odd year old’s car would be fun.If anyone would like to suggest one, go ahead.