Mouse spin/jump problems, can you help?

To start off, I believe this problem has been there since Vista. All of my computers run Win 7 now, and this problem has been there since installation on them.

My current mouse is a Logitech usb optical that came with the computer, but is not the only mouse that does this. Nor the only machine that I experience this with.

So saying, I figure I must have a settings problem.

During games where the mouse controls the direction of the character, I will experience mouse spin, the picture will spin madly centered on the focus point, until I shake the mouse and it clears up for a few moments.

On other games using the mouse, Free Cell, for example, the cursor will occasionally jump to another part of the screen. Sometimes it continues for a few seconds if I don’t touch the mouse.

This happens infrequently, depending on the game, Hoyle games seem to do it constantly.

This happens on different computers with different kinds of mice. All are optical, but different brands and some are wireless / PS2 / or USB.

So where can I look to try to stop this annoying behavior??

Any hints or help is appreciated.

“Adding that I have Googled this before with no luck even getting the symptoms matched up.”

Thank you very much, Qwakkeddup.

I’ve experienced the same symptoms using XP. My first suggestion would be to make sure there isn’t a hair or something similar obstructing the optical mouse’s beam.

Mouse is clean, I try to check and clean them once a week.

I get the jumping mouse. It’s because I’m using a KVM (Dlink DKVM-4U).

What kind of surface are you using the mouse on? I used to have this problem with an old optical mouse, it turned out to be a problem with the laminated surface of my desk. I chucked a mouse mat under it and things worked fine.

I think it was getting odd relfections from the glossiness/texture of the desk.

I have a mouse pad under one, the other is just the table top.
This is an ongoing oddity that has plagued me since the intro of Vista. No mouse, even with it’s own driver set, has been able to not ever do this.

I don’t believe it is an OS system problem, but an optical mouse problem. It happens to me all the time (well, once in a while anyway), and I have just learned to live with it. If it matters, it seems to happen more often on hard, semi-gloss surfaces than on fabric surfaces.

Why is a mouse when it spins?

Because the higher, the fewer.