Movie Nude Scenes You Could Have Done Without

I’m not talking baout porn, here. I’m talking about mainstream movies. When I saw “Camilla” (a rather slow, talky boring movie), I had no idea I’d have to see 80+ year old Jessica Tandy naked.

Any movies you’ve seen featuring nude scenes by people you NEVER wanted to see naked?

Harvey Keitel in The Piano and Bad Lieutenant.

Wasn’t Oprah naked in “Beloved”?

Frank Langella in Lolita.

Anybody a fan of the WWF? Not really a movie, I know, but…

Last year, they had a 70-year-old woman (I think it was Mae Young) strutting around in the ring topless during one of the PPV’s. The whole gimmick was that she supposedly thought she “still had it” or something, and it was a swimsuit contest (an excuse to include sex in with the violence), and, well… things went from there.

Holy shit, I’m sure glad I averted my eyes when I did, 'cuz based on the wailings of my companions there with me, it wasn’t a pretty sight.

As soon as I saw the OP title, I thought “Harvey Keitel” , but I see that woodstockingbird beat me to it. brwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. I’m still in shock over the memory.

I’d have to say I could’ve done without the scene in Wild Things where they show Kevin’s “Bacon”

oops, I incorrectly accredited the HK sighting (brrrrrr) it was mbh.

But while I’m at it, cheesedog, any leftover Kevin Bacon stepping out of the shower scenes can be sent to me, thank you.

Aghhhhhhh! Why did you have to remind me of that?

That said, I thought Harvey Ketiel’s scary nakedness was scary in a totally appropriat way in Bad Lietenaut.

I mean, nude scenes are neccessarily supposed to be sexy are they?

Oh man, that’s uncalled for!

I’m with betenoir re Harvey Keitel in The Piano. The word I most associate with that scene is honest. And I thought the use of his nudity was very poignant, in some weird way.

Oh, and I think that last sentence above is missing a “not,” right, betenoir?

Angie Dickinson in any of the movies she let em’ hang out in. I think one was “Truck Driving Mamas”.

Big Bad Mama (1975), I think!

That the one you mean, Fletch? Or should I call you Elmer Fudd Gantry? :slight_smile:

Oh. Yes. Thanks, Scarlett :).

Don’t know the actor’s name, but the corpse of the “gluttony” victim in Se7en. Egads.

I will fourth the Bad Lieutenant.

Wow. I just saw this thread title and the first thought that flashed through my mind was “Harvey Keitel in The Piano.”

So I opened the thread and was amazed/delighted/vindicated to see it’s been brought up so many times already.

Us Dopers are all races, genders, professions and nationalities, but at a certain basic level we’re all the same, aren’t we?

Let’s not forget Michael Douglas’ flabby butt in Fatal Attraction. That ass was well past its expiration date.

In the movie “Such Good Friends,” we get to see a nude Burgess Meredith–well, save for a discreetly placed placard that he was wearing.

Well, here’s one I have mixed feelings about. It’s not full nudity, BTW…

Melanie Griffith in “Working Girl” when she’s putting on the lingerie. She was still recovering from weight put on during her last bout with alcohol addiction, I think, and she just didn’t look that good. So I though (at first) eww. Then I thought, screw it, this is a good thing to see an actress considered beautiful even when she’s not up the the typical hollywood standards.

Let’s see, there was a recent british movie that Jane Horrocks was in, when she had an eating disorder and could only have sex with her boyfriend if he tied her up and licked chocolate off of her. That really repulsed me, where they showed her cringing little face and her tiny body all tied up. Still makes me shudder.