Movie Question - Fight Club

OK - I’m late… I just rented this excellent movie.


I got the whole Ed is Brad thing - It worked all the way through, except for the car wreck scene. There were people in the back seat - If Ed had been sitting there having that entire fight with himself, I think even the drones in the back would have thought it strange enough to comment on. No?

BTW, if you’re looking for a good review, check out the one at MovieGeek. It’s written by a SDMB Poster and is, like all the others there, excellent!

I think that the implication might be that the argument, or at least most of it, wasn’t out loud.

Plus, those weren’t just normal people, they were his odd, cultist follower people. (So don’t expect normal responses)

Ok, well, he’s a smart fellow- the first rule is that we ask no questions. So they CANNOT ASK ANYTHING. They may think he’s acting strange, talking to himself, and blurting out questions all the time- but think about it. He could be lecturing them, not talking to himself, and the questions could be to make them think. It’s hard, but not impossible, to beleive

I guess you have to remind yourself that all those other guys have gotten used to his two different kinds of behaviours. When they realise that he is acting as the narrator (sorry, don’t think he was actually called Jack), they tend to accept and not ask questions. That is why he was left out of most of the missions…no questions were answered nor asked.

Secondly, did you notice (in the car crash scene) that Ed and Brad went in one side of the car, and came out of the crash from the opposite sides.

And for those who have more questions about FC, here’s a website i found which explains most of the things people didn’t understand about the movie.

Ditto what the rest of the posters said, the drones were taught not to ask questions. But I do recall that Jack would be asking a question of Tyler, and one of the drones would answer the question, and were screamed at to shut up, so I’d gather that they eventually did.

C’mon folks, you’re forgetting something very important:

“The first rule of Fight Club is that you don’t talk about Fight Club.”

So shut up already. (imagine a smiley here)