Anyone know of any reputable sites (on-line and regular stores) to purchase soundtrack conductor’s scores (if they are at all available)? I’d like to study up on orchestration again, and would love to get a hold of a few classic movie scorings to follow along. My usual contact went out of business a few years ago, and the local places (I am in Podunk, as far as music stores are concerned) don’t have much in the way of anything other than student solo instrument books.
Tired googling already, but all I am getting is reviews and recordings (got those! I can HEAR it; I want to know HOW it is written!), and I’ve gone through all of my opera scores already.
I know Broadway shows are rent-for-length-of-contract only, but it’s not like I’m gonna make a new version of “The Last of the Mohicans” or “The Omen”. I just like to read along while I listen, as well as brushing up on “Orchestration 301”.