The two examples I have are pretty old but I think I’ll still box the questions just in case. Why not? Boxes are easy to make.
The Time Machine (1960)
At the end of the movie we find that George has returned to the future and taken with him three books. Mr. Filby asks a question of the maid but it’s directed at us. “What three books would you have taken?” Well at least that’s close enough to what he said.
Fahrenheit 451 (1966)
The movie ends in a hidden camp where various people mull around reciting to themselves the book they’ve memorized in order to preserve it from the book burners. The question is unasked but is obvious. What book would you choose?
Well first off is there a name for this technique? Is it a technique? Can you name other movies that end like this and what their question was? Were the questions the subjects of discussion for you and your friends after having watched these movies?
Maybe if I had more friends I would have thought more about the questions but I’ve never been able to see a good answer to either for me. Maybe I just don’t have enough love for the subject of either question.