The Prisoner of 2nd Avenue - Jack Lemmon and Anne Bancroft are a middle-class, middle-age couple struggling to contend with the rampant degeneration of NYC.
Since this is a 40 year old movie that’s barely remembered anymore, I’ll forego the spoilers but - Jack Lemmon is exiting the train station when he bumps into a guy. They start to walk away from each other, bu then Lemmon notices his wallet is missing! Thinking that the guy who bumped into him was a pickpocket, he runs after him. The other guy sees him coming and flees. A chase scene ensues through Central Park until Lemmon finally tackles the guy, throwing him to the ground and shouts “HAND OVER THE WALLET!” The ‘pickpocket’ thrusts a wallet in his hand and runs away.
Once he’s home, Lemmon is about to happily gush to his wife (Bancroft) about how he took a stand and fought back against crime and how he refused to be a victim, but - his wife informs him he left his wallet at home that day! Lemmon sheepishly looks at the wallet in his hand and realizes…
Attack The Block. Vile piece of trash, a gang of youths - led by John Boyega, soon to be seen in the new Star Wars - terrify a lone and helpless woman and rob her at knifepoint, and the movie takes their side. I think that film might have permanently soured me on Boyega.