Movies You Once Liked That You Now Think Are Awful

I was in college when The Lost Boys came out. One of my friends commented, “If I had seen it when I was 16, I would have thought it was the greatest movie ever made.”

The first thing that came to mind for me was The Kentucky Fried Movie.
When I first saw this is in a theater, I couldn’t stop laughing.
Years later I saw it, and though some of the skits were still funny to me (A Fistful of Yen, in particular), I didn’t have paroxysms of hilarity while watching it.

Perhaps it needs to be watched under the influence.

Funnily enough I just watched Stripes the other day, which also has aged badly. I mean, I love Bill Murray but his class-clown schtick isn’t as funny as it used to be. And some of the sexist humor is cringeworthy now (see also: Porky’s. Any of them.)

The real-world part of Tron was always bad and has gone out of date rapidly. The stuff inside the computer still holds up really well - I’d rather watch that than the bland dreck of the sequel, despite the improvements in CGI.

The TV show was much better.

Now them’s fighting words.

The only one I remember is the Peter Seller’s movie The Party only because of the excruciating circumstances.

I like to pat myself on the back for my ability to introduce younger people to stuff from before their time that I think they will enjoy. So when I played this “incredibly funny” movie for my son I was horrified to discover that it was the worst thing Sellers ever did.

We didn’t even make it half way through.

The most notable of many for me was The Dark Crystal. When I was in college in the early 80s, the big fad was to see it while stoned and it was a hoot. I rented it on a whim a couple of years ago and watched it sans weed, and I was appalled by the B grade special effects and movie cliches.

Ralph Bakshi’s Wizards is another.

You picked the wrong Bill Murray movie. You have to see Tron with Caddyshack and call it the Cindy Morgan Film Festival.

I wouldn’t say “Eight Men Out” is an awful movie. It has some flaws such as Dickie Kerr’s world series wins did not have game ending strikeouts and the Cicotte $10,000 bonus may be bogus. But instead on now having sympathy for the eight players for being underpaid, I have contempt for their behavior. You want more money? Band together and refuse to sign until you get a good deal.

Case in point…

Yep I disagree. ETA: not about Bond.

Its been a little while but I think it still holds up. For many it may be hard to understand if they don’t know the original material they are using for the parodies.

Bakshi is pretty much just awful. I haven’t seen Wizards in a while but I have no doubt it does not hold up. As a teenager I did like the ending and the punchline but that’s about it.

Alot of that goofy humor was definitely part of Lester’s additions. It’s no wonder why Superman III turned out so bad.

I’d have to agree that the Donner Cut is better in a lot of ways. It’s just a shame that he never got to complete it. Still, there were some choices he made in II that I’m not a fan of (i.e. Supes giving up his powers after a one night stand, etc.).

Time Bandits - first saw this at the optimal viewing age and liked it, now it’s just piss poor.

For me the was Pump Up The Volume, which most likely belongs on this list as well. I’m not sure because I haven’t seen it in a decade.

Pee Wee’s Big Adventure did not hold up to a rewatch. When I was a kid and watched this over and over, I had to mentally brace myself for the Large Marge reveal or I’d get shaken up. As an adult, the movie wasn’t funny and Large Marge wasn’t scary anymore.

I had watched Stripes for the first time in long time about a month ago(and in fact had meant to start a thread on it). I liked it but the jokes really are spread out. It is not a laugh a minute comedy. Also the politics of it are very dated (we invaded another country, killed people and came back heroes because they’re Russian so F them) and I honestly didn’t remember that it had so much gun play in the second half. The whole movie after they graduate is basically Stripes 2, the less funny Sequel.

Hehehe. Funny seeing a thread I killed 13 years ago :smiley:

My contribution is Steve Martin’s The Jerk. My entire school thought it the most hilarious movie ever when it came out. I tried watching it a year or so back and couldn’t make it 15 minutes though, the humor was so awful.

Don’t think we’ll ever get a good remake.

Last time around, Ryan Reynolds was attached to the project. :eek:

Destroy All Monsters

Really? I can live without the Robin Hood bit, but the rest holds up very well, and visually it’s a treat. Sean Connery’s Agamemnon is genius.

The Great Outdoors. Not sure why I loved it then.

And I was going to say Porky’s but then I remembered having the idea in high school that it really wasn’t a very good movie.