I’m wondering… how do you synch your computer and radio? Is there a stick of memory, etc.? and is there a certain size of internal memory, e.g 128 MB/5 GB, etc.? Or do they just play MP3 CDs? There are a lot of question marks in this topic?
There are MP3-CD head units (HU) and there are hard drive-base HUs. The MP3 CD units are pretty much self explanitory as far as getting your music collection from your PC to the car. The hard drive-based ones either have a removable hard drive that you connect to your PC via a docking station; or they have a built-in CD drive that’ll rip the CD and store it onto its hard drive.
The MP3 CD units are plentiful and can be had pretty cheap (starting at ~$120 for a name brand), while the hard drive units are quite a bit more (>$800).
The Neo MP3 player is an add-on hard drive-based player that plugs into your existing stereo either through an external input, or by an RF or cassette adapter. I’ve seen them at BestBuy for around $400 with a 20GB hard drive. It comes with a docking station that connects to you PC via USB.