MPSIMS Nov 1999

I have three guys from my personal ad that I am trying to keep up e-mail chats with. Two of them have indicated an interest in getting together, so I should have a social life soon!

I typed this whole post with both cats in my lap, and Shilla has fallen of once (except I caught him before he went anywhere)

I found out my son is smart enough to try for a gifted program, but apparently not a perfect student. They just want perfectly behaved kids there. He’s not hyperactive, just normal but sometimes lazy. “Maybe next year”. So much for begging for these crumbs (45 kids out of over 500 qualify as gifted)of special attention from public schools.
sunbear is a group in Dublin!

i didn’t know

In the town in which I live there is great competition for the “gifted student” program. The kids take a standardized test to determine if they qualify. Eldest Son (three years ago, in grade 6) scored at the 98th percentile (meaning that his grade was higher than 98 percent of the other kids taking the test), and did not get in. The cutoff was 99th percentile.



I just found out this past week that my so-called “friend” (whom I broke contact with) embezzled over $5,000 from the insurance co. he had worked for to relocate to be nearer to me. He falsely told me that he gave notice and chose to be here. In reality, I find out that he had been caught and an investigation was begun. He begged me to marry him and disappear - he was looking to get into a different country to hide. Currently, I think I know too much. Whew!

I started tutoring today. I make $25 a week. That’s pretty good considering I’ve never gotten an allowence and my parents won’t let me get a real job. At least it’s not taxable. :slight_smile:

White Wolf

“Friends come and go, but enemies accumulate.”

I’m getting ready to go to Houston. I put the finishing touches on Chapter Eleven of my romance novel. I finally did my dishes. I had a fantastic sexual dream about somebody but can’t remember who. I did all the laundry today and am now farting around out here. Ahhhh, what a day!


Hey Byz? Your dream was about me.

I am the anonymous man in most dreams.

Especially the sexual ones where I’m really amazing.

Hero For A New Millennium!

The Legend Of PigeonMan - updates every Wed & Sat

Went to the casino today to blow some money, and came home a big winner! (well, not too big, but up $125, which is big for me!)
Life is good!
Bought my husband a nice expensive cigar with some of my winnings :slight_smile:

Click here for some GOOD news for a change


My November MPSIMS, in chronological order…

My friend’s racehorse was second in the $1,000,000 Breeder’s Cup Sprint, winning $250,000. That was neat. He was third last year, so I figure next year he’ll come out the winner.

I was crapped on by a bird–a seagull, no less–for the first time in my life last Thursday while on a mini-vacation (my boyfriend’s arm, which had been wrapped around me, also got hit in the spray). I laughed and saw it as a great excuse to buy new clothes. Thing is, I still stunk like rotten seaweed. So, I bought perfume.

Saw my first (and second) pornos. The first had screwed up sound and was mildly erotic; the second was the “real thing” and was positively pathetic. And boring. I checked my watched after just 15 minutes. Still had sex afterwards, though. (Although I found the latent images from the film more distracting and a turn-off than enhancing.)

I used to think the world was against me. Now I know better. Some of the smaller countries are neutral.

Laura’s Stuff and Things

Thanks, Melin, for the encouraging words. My husband is a stay-at-home dad, and yes, that does make me feel much better.

I did not start work today, though. I got up and went to work, but I had to see the clinic doctor before I could actually work. I also was supposed to bring a note from my own doctor, giving me the green light to start working again. Well, I forgot my note. I forgot to ask for it last week when I went to the doctor. My doctor’s appointment was the day before my grandmother’s funeral. I had other stuff on my mind. Anyway, I got to work, and told the secretary in the clinic that I could call the doctor’s office and have them fax a note directly to the clinic. No dice. I’ve got to physically hand them the note before they’ll let me go back to work. So I got up at 6 am for nothing. I called my doctor later in the morning. They laughed at me, in a good-natured way, and told me they’d have a note for me right away. It’s in my purse now. So, we’ll try this again tomorrow.

Oh yeah, my 6 week old son is sleeping through the night. Just in time. :slight_smile:

LauraRae: great home page.Where do you get the time? Three bulletin boards and some text is all I have time for.

GuanoLad – okay, so when I end up pregnant, I’m coming after you! :wink: Yeah, right after I notify the church!


It’s 3 a.m. and I can’t sleep, yet again. This insomnia is driving me nuts. I haven’t managed more than four hours of sleep a night in at least a month. I’ve tried every remedy in the book, to no avail. In addition to this, I’ve had a sore throat for eight days straight.

Anyway, there is one good thing going on this week. My daughter’s class is going to the Disney “Toy Story on Ice” this week, and they are paying for it! I also went to a parent-teacher conference last week, and the teacher said that she is doing much better than they expected her to do. Her speech has drastically improved since starting this class and she can now write her name and recognize most of the alphabet. She is even learning how to count money. The teacher told me that, in her opinion, the school psychologist’s diagnosis of “mental impairment” was a little too hasty. The teacher thinks that my daughter can be mainstreamed back into the regular classes by next school year, at the latest.

“We are what we pretend to be.”

  • Kurt Vonnegut

Sounds good with the daughter.

What I wish for is that the mainstream would keep kids at different levels interested in school. They could put just one creative challenging class during the day where all the kids could do their thing at their individual level.

The average kid is slightly bored with school in grades 1-5 as I see it.

Lanna got her braces off a week ago. After having them on for four and a half solid years, I probably would have taken them off herself, had the orthodontist not done it.

Now I’m dying for a caramel apple, since they’ve been off-limits for so long, but the zoo snack shop is closed until June, and no one around this stupid house buys caramel squares, even when I write it on the shopping list.

And, continuing that quest for perfect teeth, two sparkly, purple retainers have been bestowed upon me. The wires are even purple, and they’re kind of neat. I can’t keep them in my mouth though. Every five minutes I find myself popping them out and examining them. My mom will super glue them to my teeth if she catches me doing that…

Surprisingly though, I do have teeth. They’ve been hidden since 6th grade, but lo and behold, I still have 'em. It’s strange.

Can’t get much more pointless than this, eh?



Oh, lovely. I managed to send that before I could correct my first paragraph. I think I need sleep. Anyway,

should read

I have this nasty habit of typing in third person when I’ve gone over 24 hours without sleep… Eh, sorry for the three successive posts.

Got a haircut.
Got a promotion.
Got a raise.
Heading to Atlanta Friday for Thanksgiving.
Gonna watch the girls I coached in 8th grade basketball get their first playing time on the varsity level.
Gonna eat lots of food and watch lots of football.

Mundane is my middle name.

Well, shut my mouth. It’s also illegal to put squirrels down your pants for the purposes of gambling.

Hey, Mahir has joined the party! See under silly syrvey, send him lots of mail!

CRISTI! You’re six week old son is sleeping through the night? ** I thought that was a myth.** Our son ( nearly 19 months) has just started to sleep through the night. We’ve decided that he is lulling us into a false sense of security so that when the new baby comes along, we (well, ME) will be dog tired for weeks and weeks and weeks on end and just give him STUFF he wants in the total catatonic stupor that I will be in until high school starts for them.It’s all a part of a master plot to take over the world.

Baby’s are from outspace, I’m telling you.

Other Mundania that you’ve craved: Off line all day today because of whatever reason (I blame NetZero) I told hubby to take the good car to work today and leave me the car seat. I didn’t see the car seat in the other car and therefore, didn’t run any errands ( which was probably a good thing anyways because it throws off naptime and sucks the energy out of me.) then after retreiving the mail, I see the car seat in the garage. Oh well. No bills today in the mail.

One would think that being off line and having no cable and really crappy TV reception, that I would turn into the love child of June Cleaver and Martha Stewart. Hell no. I played and read with my son, decided to start crocheting again ( I only seem to do this while gestating.) and worked on a ‘book’ for my son to help him prepare for the arrival of his space alien sibling, Baby X. I cannot keep things simple and the damn thing is going to be like War And Peace in length…I know ALL OF YOU WHO ACTUALLY READ MY MENTAL BLATHERINGS FIND THIS HARD TO BELIEVE. :wink: