Mrs. Septimus has a cyst

A few days ago my 39-year old wife noticed a lump in her breast. Naturally she and I became worried. She normally ignores me when I recommend consulting a physician, preferring to consult village old women for ancient herbal remedies! :dubious: But with the lump she plunged into action, visiting several doctors and eventually the two best private hospitals in our region.

She had an ultrasound and a mammogram and the diagnosis was … “just a cyst.” That was a happy day!

(I’m not specifically asking for medical advice, but good advice would still be appreciated. Would it be a wise precaution to show the US and Mammogram pictures to another doctor for 2nd opinion? Is there some complication or need for follow-up we should know about?)

Depending on where breast cysts are located (i.e. how accessible they are), they can be aspirated with a syringe and small-caliber hypodermic needle. Any fluid contents are usually discarded but can be submitted to a pathology lab for cytologic evaluation. This procedure generally eliminates a lump if it’s just a simple cyst, but it’s possible it could recur.

Her doctor(s) can advise whether this is a good idea in her case.

Glad the imaging reports were reassuring.

My mother has had such cysts before and aspiration took care of them.

If the doctors you already consulted gave you good news I’d go with it, but have a regular check up in a few months. And I imagine the Mrs. will be checking herself every time she bathes, always a good thing.