MS Office 2003 MAPI32.DLL error message

I just installed MS Office 2003 Student and Teacher Edition on a Win 7 Professional PC that already had MS Office 2007 Enterprise Version installed.

Each application from Office 2003 seems to be working just fine now except for Outlook 2003.

When I launch Outlook 2003 I get the following error message.

Cannot start MS Office Outlook. MAPI32.DLL is corrupt or the wrong version.
This could have been caused by installing other messaging software.
Please reinstall Outlook.

I just now reinstalled Office 2003 as directed but am still getting this same error massage.

If using Office Outlook 2003 on this PC requires removing Office 2007, that would be okay with me.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.


Okay, so I just re-read the General Question rules AFTER posting this thread and found an answer with a web search :smack::smack::smack: which I then followed but now have a new error message:

failed to register a VB script dll reinstall or run RegSvr32.exe vbscript.dll to self register

First I reinstalled Office 2003 to no avail. Then found a web search on the new error message.

However, cmd and run as administrator is not an option.

Am I stuck?

If you can install programs, you can run as administrator, as it’s essentially the same process. It just means you’ll get that little dialog saying that a program wants to make changes to your system, and you’ll have to agree.

To open a CMD prompt as Administrator, just open the Start Menu and type CMD into the search. When cmd.exe appears in the list, right click on it and choose “Run As Administrator.” That should show the prompt, allowing you to click yes. Then you’ll have a command window

If you don’t have a “Run As Administrator” option, you may already be administrator. Try opening CMD (type CMD into the start menu and press Enter) and running the command(s) directly and see if you get any errors. It won’t hurt anything if it doesn’t work.

That said, your problem is almost certainly that Office 2007 is already installed, and so newer versions of the files are already loaded. So the older ones don’t get set up. If all else fails, uninstall Office 2003, then uninstall Office 2007, then reinstall Office 2003.

Though, if it gets that drastic, I’d honestly recommend trying to use Outlook 2007 and getting used to it before you go to all that trouble. It should be functionally the same–the interface is just different.

Plus, most modern Office files (Word, Excel, etc) assume you have at least Office 2007 to function, so it would be good to keep those programs on your computer.