I’ve a new partner for my position (a sentence fragment that could, but shouldn’t, be taken the wrong way… ahem!) here at work, and I want to get him a well-written, factually informative book about how to work with MSSQL 2000.
I know that, factually, the Microsoft Press books are (obviously) right up there, but they’re a little dry, sometimes confusing for the beginner and, of course, tend to talk solely about other Microsoft products and add-ins whether or not there are better, competing products on the market.
So… I’m looking for a beginning to intermediate user’s book with explanations on how to structure queries within a MSSQL environment; how to deal with database sizes; how to set up and manage transaction logs, etc…
Any suggestions from the Peanut Gallery?
And… Mods: I almost posted this in IMHO, but I felt that GQ might produce better answers; however, if you feel differently, go ahead and query my butt right out of this forum.