MTV Awards

Did anyone other than me waste last Thursday evening watching the MTV awards show? Perhaps I’m just getting old (24), but it seems that this thing gets worse every year. The terrible lip synching, the worse outfits…Ick. Parts of it were watchable (and fleeting) - most notably very short appearances by David Bowie and The Artist(?), and Chris Rock’s scathing critcism of everyone involved. So does anyone agree? Disagree? Care?

im 22. and i watched the awards only to see the premeiere of the new Guns N’ Roses song in the End of Days trailer.
it truly sucked… i hate corporate mtv. all the pop bands are truly crappy…
the only other good thing was steven tyler and joe perry playing walk this way and chris rock making fun of everything

if not for the gnr , i wouldnt have watched it at all unless someone good was playing.
Did anyone other than me waste last Thursday evening watching the MTV awards show? Perhaps I’m just getting old (24), but it seems that this thing gets worse every year. The terrible lip synching, the worse outfits…Ick. Parts of it were watchable (and fleeting) - most notably very short appearances by David Bowie and The Artist(?), and Chris Rock’s scathing critcism of everyone involved. So does anyone agree? Disagree? Care?

Chief’s Domain -

How old are you?

Unless you are 12-18 years old, it’s not meant for you.

Like complaining that everytime you ride a tricycle is chafes your knees on the concrete.

Yer pal,

I tried to watch it for 5 min. I don’t listen to any of this stuff. Seems like even the garbage they offered to as as music in the 70s sound pretty good compared to most of this dance stuff.And I never liked Madonna in any way. Well maybe the first hit. I liked the comedian making fun of Backstreet Boys: what are you guys going to do on the (…)street, fight Big Bird?

I watched it cause they said Limp Bizkit was going to be on. Well, they were. To present an award with Heather Locklear. And to add fuel to the fire, they were so nervous they made total fools of themselves.

I thought the best part was the opening act:Kid Rock with Run DMC and Aerosmith. I’m not a fan of rap or Kid Rock, per se (even if he is from Detroit), but thought this act kicked booty. I wonder if the bit with TLC had technical problems cause they were the only ones that I could see/hear who were clearly lip synching. With everyone else’s sound, you could hear the difference between the recorded sound and what was being played, plus you could hear the audience getting picked up in the mix.

Did you see Madonna applaud when that lame Fatboy Slim won for best whatever? She gave this lame little golf clap and had this bored look on her face. Geez, she comes off as such a b*%&#!

Watch that lame Fatboy jazz…the guy talking was not Fatboy Slim at all. The bald guy in the background is him. He does not talk much so he let that wierd ass dude speak for him.

Big schmeal that Madonna gave a bored look. At least Fatboy does not have to get naked in order to sell a few records. Jeeze the guy is a mixer and a really good one (Ad agencies are offering him huge amounts of dough to do tacks for their commercials So far he has only did a few for Adidas.) And whats good about him is that he can do a whole album of songs you will want to hear. Not like one or two. Try his You have come a long way Baby for something like this.

Bite me Madonna. Mixers and DJ’s are the artists of their generation.

of corse, the pop bands lip-singed, but I was laughing my ass off when chris rock made fun of everyone in the industry. calling them all fakes, sellouts, and money grubbers.

ha ha

by the way,
pop music must die, all well as LAME techno
(i have respect for only a few DJ artists)

Jane, if you’re old at 24, I guess I’m ANCIENT. But, as Satan points out, you’re way too old for MTV. My nieces, who are 10-15, are growing out of it.

Everybody I talk to says Chris Rock is really funny, but I don’t get it…why is it funny to slam everybody? (I didn’t think Andrew Dice Clay was funny, either.) And by appearing on the show, isn’t Chris sort of a sell-out as well?

I tough the awards were pretty terrible, too. I was waiting for the Nine Inch Nails performance, but besides that I had no reason to watch. Personally, I do enjoy Fatboy Slim…that is, every song except “Praise You.” (Just my luck it happened to be so popular.) But the whole awards show made me wonder if any of the performers would be around much longer. And who would want them around. It’s time for a new style of music.

She is the definition of b*%&#!@!

Does anyone else think it’s less than a coincidence that the responses to the MTV thread have the worst grammar and spelling?

Even posters who generally come across well sound like ijits. Could it be that MTV sucks the intelligence out of all who view it?

For the record, I didn’t watch any of the show, but I generally like most of the new music, Backstreet and 'N Sync excluded.

Got to admit it did majorly suck ass. The only thing worthy about it was seeing Aerosmith on stage, even though I would like to beat Kid Rock with a sackful of doorknobs and make him eat the freakin pimp hat.

BTW Joe Perry looks cool with short hair

Heath, sorry to dis Fatboy Slim on ya. Really, I don’t have a problem with him…my husband HATES the video so I got carried way with his rant. Anyway, my point was Madonna: she needs to remember she came from DETROIT, for pete’s sake. Feh.

Watch your mouth, Sparky, or you’ll get swatted with a newspaper!

Oh yea…got to agree with you there…the video is garbage (it was made by that skinny ass dude at the mike)

Yea and Madonna has let fame go to her head. She was one a party girl just like the rest of them now she is a fashion junkie who gives stinkeye to everyone


Don’t let the loveless ones sell you a world wrapped in grey.

Ok…I’m gonna throw my two bits in…I didn’t watch the Awards…I taped them…only so that if somebody did something totaly off the wall, I could go back and maybe catch it…Like Whats-her-name and the lack of panties on something last year…I’m not a huge fan of most of the groups nowadays, they look to put-together…you know…the record people go out and find 5 guys that they think look good and can sorta sing, and BANG…new pop group…but I do have some respect for Madonna…while I haven’t liked all her music, I think she has a nice voice…I don’t agree with everything she’s done, but she has managed to stay near the top and make ooddles<sp?> of money…and that is a sign of a pretty smart woman…not very moral maybe, but smart…<siting back and awaiting the flames>…

Next year I’ll stick to the senior citizens channel, VH1 (which is much better the past 5 years or so than MTV) or just play bingo with Grams down at the Home. BTW, did anyone notice that Kim chick’s boob? Not that it was THAT revealing, no nipple showing or anything, but jeez! Were we all shocked at my house when Diana Ross tweaked it.

Heath, here’s my opinion of Fatboy Slim. I love his music, but I think he is a sellout. I don’t know if you watch TV too often, but every movie and advertisement seems to have a Fatboy Slim song. In fact, a few months ago, Rolling Stone magazine made a list of all his songs off “You’ve Come a Long Way, Baby”, and put next to each song what commerial or movie it was featured in. All but 3 or 4 of the songs were in a commercial or movie, and some songs were in about 5 different features.

I saw him live in Chicago about a month ago. He opened for the Chemical Brothers. The whole time he was on stage, the lights were on him, and his face was on the big screen. You don’t want to see the damned DJ at these shows. Chemical Bros then came out and did it how its supposed to be done, playing in the dark, with trippy images on the screen that went great with the beats.

That’s how Crystal Method played when I saw them live, too. Daft Punk even goes so far as to wear hoods so that the focus is on the music, not on the DJ’s. Fatboy’s ugly mug was on the screen the whole time. (And, he sucked live, I might add)

As for the MTV awards, anyone who lip synchs should be banned from ever performing live.

Atrael, I’ll definately agree with you on Madonna’s talent. I DO admire her for her ability to kick butt on her own terms in a very much old-boy network business.

However, that nasty “I’m the shit” attitude needs a good scrub down. Miss Thang ain’t all that.