Multiple orgasms (poll for women)

Yes. Lots.

Too many to count, and there’s a point where they stop being separate and just blur into each other. Much shaking, screaming and inadvertantly punching my boyfriend in the head.

Manual and oral are good, but I usually come 2 or 3 times during intercourse with irishfella too.

Much easier to achieve after a couple of glasses of wine and some brownies or a smoke.

What this means is that I’m the one lying there afterwards in a happy, glowy, breathless little heap, completely unable to move.

He’s all full of himself and wants to get up and conquer the world (or at least eat something).

About 3 in one session.

The first time I read this thread, I thought “eh, no way”

Then last night happened.

I used to just have one rather intense one and let it go, last night I kept going, and viola, 20 or so later I was completely wiped out and went to sleep the happiest woman in Iowa.

I usually only have one, but I can 'make it last as long as my legs hold out. Then I lose the capacity for speech.

The secret for us is my SOs belly (we’re both a bit chubby). Rubs in all the right places when I’m on top.

As for the g spot. IT EXISTS. Dear God, does it exist. There’s your proof.

Also, for all ladies out there on birth control, I suggest the ring. (brand name: Nuvaring) Wear it for three weeks, take it out for a week, same meds as the pill (ortho tricyclin) AND, it increases the stimulation for me (presses on the gspot with every stroke) and the edge touches the tip of his penis and increases his stimulation. AND NO BABIES! YAY!

Maybe for you. Plain old in and out certainly does it for me, no clitoral stimulation needed, in fact no clitoral stimulation welcome because it’s far too intense, a lot of the time.

Every woman is different, and while one can and probably should learn many useful techniques that will in the general case help a woman orgasm, the best thing you can learn is how to read a woman when you are touching her and/or making love to her, to find out what kind of stimulation works best for her. For me, my g-spot is far more important than my clitoris. though obviously this is not necessarily the general case.

As for a number in one session, I can’t say I’ve ever cared to count. I orgasm very very easily, often with minimal direct physical stimulation, but it’s more about the quality of the all over sexual experience than the number of times I come.

WOW, then you’d be in the lucky, LUCKY 25% noted by Masters and Johnson and the Kinsey report.

I think the rest of us are massively jealous! :smiley:

5 over the course of about an hour. That was by myself. With the hubby I’m usually so sensitive after one that I’m liable to kick him across the room if he touches me. Fortunately the “one” usually lasts for several minutes :smiley:

100 orgasms or 100 muscle contractions? The latter is more in the realm of the believable…

This reminds me of a pet theory I’ve had for awhile, namely, that the seeming disparity between male and female post-coital sleep tendencies is due to female’s not getting off, not some physiological evolutionary design such as making the male fall asleep in order to be close.

Evidence shown by several persons here gives credence to my theory: perhaps its just the women weren’t finished yet :slight_smile: