"Multiple people down in shooting at Colorado Walmart: police" (11/1/17)


Two dead, one injured.

Apparently a third person has died. There are no suspects in custody.

I have CNN on, not hearing it yet. Of course I am not watching the picture so I may have missed it, running by.

Currently, it’s buried on the NYT front page with just a link.

You know, on one hand, it’s a bit tiring to see how the media makes a circus out of horrible news and milks it for all it’s worth. On the other hand, have we all become so jaded with regard to mass killings of random people in public places that it’s no longer worth giving wide-ranging coverage to?

There’s a live news conference now on KUSA’s (Denver) website.

High on The Pot! It’s “Reefer Madness”, I tell ya!

Reports I’ve seen indicate it may be a routine homicide.

We get a shooting every few days in my city.

I understand that everyone is on edge after Vegas and the NY Halloween attacks.

Bolding and Italics mine.

Says something there about us (because I doubt aceplace was the only one to have that reaction) that three people are slaughtered for apparently random reasons (that may change) and it is “routine”.

Not sure exactly what it says, but I suspect it is not good…

Press on.

I had exactly the same thought. “Routine homicide”… only three people killed.


no outrage from the president calling for extreme vetting of gun owners and the death penalty/swift justice for this act of terror.

oh wait - it was committed by a middle aged white guy - must just be having a bad day.

Suspect captured:

No motive given yet.

What the hell is wrong with you?

A joking reply using the recent CO legalizing pot maybe to indicate that the anti-pot crew will try to use this politically???

Of course I could be totally wrong.

No comment or opinion expressed as to the post itself. :rolleyes: :cool:

There still isn’t much information. My initial reaction is the shooter had a specific target in mind. He didn’t care who else got hit.

Just a hunch. It may be a random shooting.

It is sad how many homicides occur. It’s hard not to get numb after awhile.

This is not a post to be making jokes in.

This thread is not about politics, it’s about the shooting. Don’t bring up political discussion in threads not about them.