Mundane Pointless Christmas/Millennial Stuff

Finished my Christmas shopping yesterday. I’m making stuff for the adults on my list, but had to get toys for the kiddies. Everything for the kids is wrapped. I’m not done making stuff yet. I should be done with that Wednesday. Just in time.

After a couple of years of hearing about the Y2K “problem,” I finally decided that what the heckers, I’ll do a little shopping, and get a few canned goods just in case. So I did. Got a bunch of other non-perishable stuff, too. My personal opinion? The technical problems will not happen. What does worry me is other people. I wonder how they’re going to behave. Are they going to go nuts? Is the shopping I just did going to be pointless, because when I get home from the NYE party I’ll be attending, will my house still be standing?

Those are my mundane, pointless holiday thoughts. Anyone else?

We seen by now a few news shorts about jury notices and water bills going out with a hundred year old date on them. But I suspect in the U.S. the technology is not going to suffer wide spread failure, and where there are failures, I think we’ll successfully muddle on through.

I think the biggest worry comes from our fellow earthlings.

Canadian doomsday cults

Terrorist bagged at border with bomb materials

Bomb materials stolen from AZ quarry

Some one likes to worry

The guy trying to bring bomb materials into the US: didn’t he know that he can buy most of that stuff here?

-No longer afraid of terrorists-

John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt. That’s my name too.
Wait, no it isn’t.

This was probably a dumb idea, but I made up my own millennial page:

Kat’s Millennium Page

“I hope life isn’t a big joke, because I don’t get it,” Jack Handy

The Kat House
Join the FSH Webring

I have faith in our techies… if anything at least any glitches will happens on the holiday and they’ll have everything up and running in time for us to all go back to work on the 3rd. Murphy’s Law ya know. If something is gonna happen, it will just effect you on your day off!

I really try to be good but it just isn’t in my nature!

I, for one, will not be worrying about this entire affair. I will just do what I have always done. Why? Because now, after months of extensive sitting around, I am now 100% Y2K complacent.

I saw a doll (looked like a cheap barbie-copy) called, “Trailer Park Trash”, subtitled, “I’m Inbred”. She had a black tooth in the front, a cigarette hanging out of her mouth, and the words on the box said, “Daddy says I’m the best kisser in the neighborhood”.

There was another one, called “Drag Queen” that was a converted Ken Doll Copy that was dressed up like Marilyn Monroe.

Went grocery shopping today for the first time in 6 weeks. Only $146.00 worth of stuff. Not bad a’tall. Bought my 5 year old nephew (whom I only see maybe three times a year and have no connection with…my fault.) a Christmas present. Hope he still likes hot wheels cause that’s all he’s gonna get betwee n now and teenage years.

Haven’t/won’t buy for my mom or inlaws. None of them need anything. Hubby and I differ greatly on this subject and I will NOT budge.
He will go out on the 23rd or 24th and live for the thrill of the last minute shopping for CRAP they don’t need and pretend to like.
(I hate Christmas,
the whole Christmas season.
I know why.
I know just the reason.

It could be that everyone says
instead of Need.
This entire Season
is fueled by Greed.)

With apologies to Dr. Suess.

Oh, I haven’t even begun to look for a NYE’s theme costume for the party I talked our neighbors into having that I wanted to do but not really.

We are suppose to come as our favorite decade of the last 100 years. We were thinking of taking it one step further and making it a theme within a theme. You know a Big News Story from that Decade. Possiblities are: Titanic Survivors ( except you try to find an innertube in December.)
or come as the Enola Gay ( me) and Fat Boy
( hubby) except I can’t find a beanie propellor hat anywhere. Then we thought to come as the Lawrence Welk singers. Hideously dressed in 1970’s attire. Problem there is twofold: can’t find a leisure suit in a 52 inch chest for hubby and finding a gawdawful 70ish dress for a pregnant woman is really hard.

I think I might just find some Groucho glasses and go as the master comedian. I’ll put a blonde curly wig on hubby and have him go as Harpo. ( Maybe) ( EXCEPT, hubby wouldn’t know the Marx brothers from the Cohen Brothers)

I don’t think anything major will come from the Y2K…the only advice I have received about it is from IBM…their recommendation is to leave your home computer shut down from December 31 at 7 a.m. until at least after 12 noon on New Year’s Day. This isn’t because of anything bad happening…not in the US…but you don’t know what will come down the net from other places…

I’m on week 3 of being sick. It’s down to an inconvenience now of not being able to breath entirely ( nothing new with this pregnancy thing) but I have drainage and a cough still that if I were in labor, I could pop this baby out right now with one good cough. Other than that, I feel fine. I’ve recovered from an episiotomy faster than this damn cold thing.

I have a new catchphrase: “The elephant section”.

I was looking for an Xmas present for my friend, and I saw something that I liked, but that was a bit more than I wanted to spend. He and I are big Peanuts fans. (This is the same guy who, along with Mr. Rilch, let me think that they were okay with my idea of dressing up as Linus, Lucy and Charlie Brown for Halloween.) I was in a boutique that had Peanuts stuff, including ceramic figurines as well as plush and PVC items. I wanted to get him the ceramic of Linus and Charlie Brown leaning pensively on the brick wall, but I hesitated because of the price.

I didn’t find anything else I liked better, so the next day, I went back to the boutique, and of course, all the ceramics were there, except the one I wanted.

I don’t know why I and other people always do this when what we want isn’t on the shelf: we just have to give ourselves the extra aggravation of asking the clueless cashier. But I did. I got in line and asked him: “I’m looking for a figurine that I saw here yesterday. It was Linus and Charlie–”

“Yes, try the elephant (pronounced “elly-phant”) section.” He pointed to a corner with shelves of ceramic jungle animals.

“No, I’m not looking for an elephant; I’m looking for a Peanuts figurine.”

“Yes, try the ellyphant section.”

“Look, I still don’t think you understand. I’m talking about a figurine that was on this shelf yesterday; it’s not here now and I wondered if there was another one in the back.”

“No, what’s out is all we have.”

Well, that sucks. Now I really want that figurine, especially in light of Schulz’ retirement. But from now on, when someone gives non-directions, I’ll just figure whatever it is is in the ellyphant section.

Remember, I’m pulling for you; we’re all in this together.
—Red Green

Our fifteenth wedding anniversary is tomorrow. Yesterday Hubby sent 15 beautiful red roses to the office, for me to enjoy all week!
