muppet's wager

Well, obviously the whole thing is flawed, since my God would have mentioned Draco if he did indeed exist. Therefore, there is no chance you are right :smiley:

Besides, everyone knows fire was stolen from the gods on Olympus.

No, them pansies on that mountain stole it from the great Draco! How could a bunch of moron gods run by a loser on 24 hour Viagra be able to create fire?

Thanks. :slight_smile:

That’s not too far from right.

That is an imperfect analogy, but I think you know that.

And besides, everyone knows that Og the Caveman discovered fire. If I recall the Gospel of Og:

Og was born.
Og said: “Fire is.”
Og said: “Rub two sticks together.”
A man came up to Og and asked: “Master of fire, I have waited for lightening to strike my whole life. How can I start a fire?”
Og replied: “Why do you call me master? No one is master of Fire except Fire. If you wish to start a fire, rub two sticks together.”
Og said: “Anyone who keeps my commandment will see Fire.”
Og was hit over the head with a rock for blasphemy against the God of Thunder, and claiming mastery over fire.
Og died. The end.

Yes, but what if the wife doesn’t “believe” in the husband? For example, the husband is on a plane that goes down in a fiery crash. The wife believes the husband is dead and never learns otherwise. However, the husband does live.

This leads to a situation where the husband (Jesus) is not beleived in. The forgiveness / non-forgiveness does not really affect the relationship in any way and is the sole discretion of the husband. Does the husband choose NOT to forgive the wife for moving on with her life (even though she did not “believe” in him?)

(my apologies for borrowing from the movie Castaway and for posting this without first reading the whole thread)

Well, of course, in your analogy the wife knew that the husband was alive once. The problem is that muppet is saying what if you don’t believe God exists, it’s not the same thing as saying, I believe God existed but now he’s dead, but I still love Him.

I’ve got it! Og stole fire from the gods on Olympus who were really Draco, but no one knew it since Draco can assume many guises. Draco came down and killed Og.

Let’s hear it for ecumenalism!