Muslims to Wikipedia: get rid of Mohammad pics!

Great, now whenever I see the second word I’m going to pronounce it internally as “Corp - see” :mad: :wink:

Please to remove this post to respect religion of peace is hurting many muslim feelins or crush by Allah (PB&J)

I think it would be a fairly good solution to hot-button items like that. The problem is where, amongst the huge grey area of content a very few people find highly offensive, and content many people find mildly offensive, do we draw the line between those items requiring to be hidden until another click, and those which can be displayed as they are.

I get the feeling, however, that the two-click system wouldn’t be considered acceptable for the protesters in the case of the images of Muhammad - it’s not that they don’t want to see the images (well, it is, but it’s not just that) - they want everybody not to see them.

I think the internet was created in anticipation of this very comment:

Thank you for eclip - seeing the thread with this glimp -see into the inner workings of your synap -sees

My apologies for this lap - see. I don’t think it will result in the collap -see of society, or any other kind of apocalyp - see, but I will endeavour to prevent a relap - see, at least until a very long time has elap - seed.

A little more hot petition action:

I particularly like this one because I have no freaking clue whether she’s for or against removal…

OK, in that case, fuck 'em. :rolleyes:

Oh, Please! Everyone knows you can’t have both God and the Big Bang.

And in case you didn’t see this coming:

The Anti-Remove-the-Pictures-Petition-Petition.

Actually, I suppose it’s fair to say we’re not dealing with a monolithic block of attitudes. There are probably some Muslims asking for the removal of these images because they find the article useful, but don’t want to be confronted with images that they find troublesome. For them, I think it would be nice to have some kind of two-click system (although the other way to do it would be to install Adblock in their browser and set it to block the images, or get someone else to create a filter blocking them).

But then there are the ones who want the images excised from reality. Nothing, even compliance with their current set of demands, will appease them for long enough to stop them being aggressive wankers, so yeah - fuck 'em.

What should I do if I want to oppose that?

I’ve never understood the concept of blasphemy. How can you respect a god or prophet who can’t stand criticism, or take a joke, or even have people see a picture of him? (Actually, in strict Islamic practice, isn’t representational art in general discouraged? I thought that’s why abstract decoration was raised to such a high art in Islamic architecture.)

You could put it that way, or you could use my phrasing, “fuck 'em.” :wink:
If people don’t want to use a resource, they’re absolutely entitled to do so. But to insist other people make themselves ignorant because the existence of information offends them? That’s crap, pure and simple. The pictures are content-neutral and should not be regarded as an insult to anyone.

The problem with blasphemy is probably the effect it has on those who ought to be a bit more faithful. Having laws about blasphemy is really about the exertion of power over the actions of the populace, rather than upsetting a delicate God.

I suppose you’ll have to start a petition to change the petion to get rid of pictures of Mohammed to a petition against the petition against the petition to get rid of pictures of Mohammed.

head asplodes

In theory, yes, but like so many things, it depends on who you ask.

The Mughal period- arguably India’s golden age as far as art and learning go- is known for architecture and ceremonial weaponry in particular, but also produced rather fabulous depictions of people, using coloring and perspective techniques not seen in Europe until a few centuries later.

On the other hand, it tended to be Hindu worthies depicted in said art, or battle scenes.

It is funny, but unfortunately (or maybe fortunately, I’m not sure) most probably posted tongue in cheek by someone who isn’t a Muslim.

You’d think so, but the general tone of a lot of the other comments (particularly from Pakistanis) leads me to believe that it was legit…

I thought this was a good point:

#114632: Feb 8, 2008, Ratzinger Pope, Italy
Islam shell respect christians , not kill them. Thus, every sentence in Koran that refer to Jesus as simple prophet shell be removed immedialty as is very offending for christians. thank u.

I guess I should be more clear.

Are there any “SFW” or “NSFW” warnings/rules with Wikipedia?

I really don’t know.