I know I rarely dispense political advice. But this time I feel I must, because I believe the woman in question (Mrs. Clinton) is making the wrong moves even now (if she wants to run for president, that is).
I just have two words of advice, that I would like to share with her:
1.) Do not distance yourself so much from Barack Obama. Yes, he is low in the opinion polls now. But opinion polls don’t always tell the full story. He got elected, twice no less. So clearly whatever he did or is doing, works. And also,
2.) You have to energize the base. For this you will have to take a page from radical conservatives–i.e., make it a “single issue” election. With conservative Republicans, that is usually abortion or gay marriage. Actually, for you, that can be gay marriage too. Tell your base that you are in fact nothing like your Republican opponent (who even now it is clear will be very against gay marriage). Whatever it takes to get the liberals and young people to vote.
I don’t know if Mrs. Clinton ever goes to the SDMB. But I think my advice is sound.
Of course, I am by no means a successful political consultant. I may in fact be totally wrong. Which is why I have then ask: What do the rest of you think?