… more drugs! Nothing keeps me off drugs more than other drugs.
…a continuous loop of Ron Jeremy money shots. Much more facinating than drugs.
Cannibus. No, wait, that’s a drug.
BEER! No, wait, that is too.
Breakfast Tacos! Yes. Breakfast tacos.
My best anti-drug is the memory of how I felt, and what happened, after the last time using. The pain, powerlessness, and unmanageability are good things for me to recall. Fortunately, that was over 11 years ago now.
Even then, I didn’t want to quit. I just wanted to learn how to use morphine socially.
…the Web. Wait, isn’t the Web actually a drug?
The realization that Bob Dylan is only 60.
The Internet. Though I wonder if I’m just leaping from the frying pan into the fire…
(Or, if not that, then The Toy Story Ultimate Toy Box three-DVD collection. Man, that sucker’s crammed with neat stuff! )
My family has said on more than one occasion that reading for me is as serious an addiction as drugs.
I’d have to add the internet to that as well.
And Krystal Chiks; though i think that there’s somethiing in the mayo that may constitute a drug…
… cheapness. I just don’t have the budget for a drug habit!
I’d like to see that in a commercial, kasuo. :eek:
The realization that Keith Richards is only about 57.
My collected works, which grew quickly once I quit drugs.
(Yep, no ego problems here!)
Long, hot baths accompanied by a good book.
Professional wrestling and flirting.