My Anti-Drug is...

… more drugs! Nothing keeps me off drugs more than other drugs. :slight_smile:

…a continuous loop of Ron Jeremy money shots. Much more facinating than drugs.


Cannibus. No, wait, that’s a drug.

BEER! No, wait, that is too.

Breakfast Tacos! Yes. Breakfast tacos.

My best anti-drug is the memory of how I felt, and what happened, after the last time using. The pain, powerlessness, and unmanageability are good things for me to recall. Fortunately, that was over 11 years ago now.

Even then, I didn’t want to quit. I just wanted to learn how to use morphine socially. :slight_smile:

…the Web. Wait, isn’t the Web actually a drug? :wink:

The realization that Bob Dylan is only 60.

The Internet. Though I wonder if I’m just leaping from the frying pan into the fire…

(Or, if not that, then The Toy Story Ultimate Toy Box three-DVD collection. Man, that sucker’s crammed with neat stuff! :smiley: )



My family has said on more than one occasion that reading for me is as serious an addiction as drugs.

I’d have to add the internet to that as well.

…me! :slight_smile:


And Krystal Chiks; though i think that there’s somethiing in the mayo that may constitute a drug…

… cheapness. I just don’t have the budget for a drug habit!


I’d like to see that in a commercial, kasuo. :smiley: :eek:

The realization that Keith Richards is only about 57. :stuck_out_tongue:


My collected works, which grew quickly once I quit drugs.

(Yep, no ego problems here!)

Long, hot baths accompanied by a good book.

Professional wrestling and flirting.