My Badass Weekend With The "Texas Money" Relatives

Well, for the many of you who aren’t aware, I live in Austin, which through some terrible astrological error is in Texas. Because I was busted for pot last week I was naturally not left with the house to myself this weekend, and I was forced to accompany my parents to visit the “Texas Money” relatives in Bandera. Serious punishment, huh? :slight_smile:

Well, we get to the expansive ranch, which features african antelopes and gazelles, as well as african deer that run around. As we drive the little dirt road to the huge house with lots of carefully coordinated rusty things and texas stone and corrugated metal and antlers and horns and stars and wood, we find my aunt and her friends. The scene is like this:

They are on little lawn chairs drinking beer surrounded by dogs, in front of a vintage Airstream trailer that has a big neon Shiner Bock sign hanging on it, which is swarmed by bugs. Remember that they are within walking distance of a HUGE ranch house… hehe.
That night we (as always) eat dinner at the Old Spanish Trail restaurant, which is just plain cool, as well as being a haven for bikers who like to take trips there in groups.

The next day we go out to the other side of the ranch with my Uncle (previously mentioned Aunt’s brother, not husband) to visit their Longhorns. Yes, they have a herd of Longhorns. Yes. Anyway, Longhorns are cool to feed and pet, and it’s really cool to dump their food for them, then haul ass back to the truck because they are constantly figuring out their pecking order, and feeding time is when they decide to battle like crazy, so imagine sitting in the bed of a pickup as enormous Longhorns butt heads around you, pretty damned cool.

We also played a lot of Badminton, and played some football, and generally had fun. The last morning we spent making a huge breakfast (three hours in the making meant that breakfast started about 12:30) hehe. You might be a redneck if you’ve ever cooked Jimmy Dean ground sausage on the grill. I have now. Anyways, good fun. Came back later.

Just thought I’d share.


Sounds like a good time. Bandera - that’s still Hill Country, isn’t it?

isn’t Kinky Friedman from around Bandera?

Weird, and cool. Thanks for sharing.