My boss is an asshat

I work for a travel agency we aren’t doing very, with the war and sars and all that crap we have been cutting hours…fine. But my boss is driving our customers away!!!
I had a lady come in with a gift certificate, the trip that she wanted to book had to be put on a credit card. So I took her credit card and told her that I would issue her a check for the amount, have the boss sign it and get it to her in a couple of days. My boss who works out of a different office from me, got the check and has been sitting on it for over a week now. I have called him everyday regarding it and he still hasn’t signed it. So this morning my client called me to scream blue murder at me, adn I had to sit there and take it. She works for a big company that does business with us and now she is going to tell everyone to go elsewhere and I don’t blame her.
IT is just so frustrating!!! GRRRRRRRRRR. I have already given her my bosses phone #, but he won’t take her calls.

What excuse does he give for not signing it? Is there anyone else who could sign it?

I think that our funds our low. He won’t pay out until he absolutly has to. He said “what’s her hurry, she doesn’t even have her credit card bill yet”.

He does this with the tour companies as well. But we need to keep our clients happy.

Your boss is defintitely an asshat but then again I just like the word “asshat”

Can’t you speak to your boss’ boss?

Consider entering into a sexual relationship with your boss. This may make him more receptive to your requests.

And then, at the moment before his climax, freeze up and scream at him “WHY HAVEN’T YOU SIGNED THE CHECK YET, ASSHAT!?”

It was only a matter of time until people started dispensing practical advice around here.

Originally posted by Eternal
Consider entering into a sexual relationship with your boss. This may make him more receptive to your requests.

Ok first…that is an image that I would like to gouge out my inner eye to avoid.
Can’t you speak to your boss’ boss?

Nope, he owns the company.

Ahhh, a Bosshole that owns the company, doesn’t get much worse than that… (except maybe a Bosshole whose Daddy owns the company)

The owner of the company is a wally? :eek:

Sell the shares short!

Thank you, I’m here all week…