My boy is now a man.

The time: July 29, 2001, 1:30 am.

The scene: parking lot of The Fieldhouse club in Toledo, backseat of his sister’s Intrepid.


I’m so excited. I waited so long, and had to help him through a pile of guilty feelings stemming from his upbringing in a very strict, traditional Hindu household. But he was worth it, and for the minute or so that he lasted :smiley: , he was great.

I’ve only slept with one other person, but that means I’ve got lots more experience, so I’ll have a ton of fun being his fairy fuckmother and teaching him everything I know.
I’m just so happy! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Could I just confirm… “My boy” = “boyfriend”. Otherwise, I’m frightened.

Can you hear the lambs screaming, Clarice?

Yeah, I thought this was going to be about someone’s son’s bar-mitzvah. . .

those Intrepids have alot of room back there, at least in the '94 model I own.

Losing one’s virginity in an Intrepid. How appropriate. :wink:

“Fairy fuckmother” is one phrase I will HAVE to remember:)

I started reading this thread thinking Tsarina was referring to her son. I am happy she wasn’t. So… what positions are favored by a Hindu?

What, he wasn’t a man before? Damn. Guess I’m not a man yet either.

Congrats to him.

Tsarina, it sure does feel good to know that you’ve taught him something he never knew before, doesn’t it? :smiley:

Never “been” in an Itrepid, but if my ol’ '78 Olds Cutlass Supreme with after-factoy T-tops could talk… :wink:

God bless that car. Lord knows I did.

Thats the best case of fighting ignorance ever :-))