My boyfriend might go to jail for up to sixty days

Wow, that screams “pit me” pretty loud.

Let’s see. People can go to jail for things like protesting the removal of an old tree or a sit down protest in front of city hall at noon. Hardly qualifies them as a “douche bag.”

How it affects future jobs really depends on the type of offense. I have a cousin who attempted check fraud of an old lady she was taking care of, and went to county for 3 months. Now she can’t work with money (for good reasons), not even as a retail cashier. Another cousin of mine embezzled money from her employer, so she’s barred from anything in the financial industry. Money-related crimes or any kind of theft is really, really bad.

Well I spent an hour in jail 10 years ago because of an unpaid parking ticket I never knew about.

On what level of douchebag am I?

Inquiring minds want to know.

When it comes to discussions about the supremacy of PC gaming over consoles, you are a Level 1 douchebag. The Grand Wizard of Douchebaggery.

I used to work in the training department of a large insurance company. One of our trainers was not allowed to take one of the “series” tests for financials (the Series 6 exam, specifically) because of some legal issue in his past. And because he couldn’t take the exam, he then couldn’t lead the training courses for those specific insurance products, locking him out of some personal professional development and causing scheduling hassles for the rest of the trainers (as they had to pick up those courses). It’s weird where stuff crops up, you know?

(Poor guy - he knew he had some minor misdemeanor conviction in his past, but didn’t know whether he should be honest and up front about it. He decided honesty was the best policy, and disclosed it while applying for the exam. Which then bit him in the ass because after some investigation, they determined he was ineligible because of his disclosure. So that sucked.)

Best of luck to you both.

People seem to somehow manage this, I’m sure you can too. Why not seek out some people who have been successful doing so, they’d have advice you could use, and not be as judgmental, to my mind.

I wouldn’t want to comment more not knowing any details. My feelings would be affected by knowing if it was an act of violence, violence against a woman, something against a child, etc. You also have avoided whether he was guilty and does he feel remorse. I should think these things would affect how most people feel about how you should move forward.

Seek out a board/group that routinely deals with this issue, and good luck to you!


It’s basically impossible to know whether this guy deserves any sympathy without knowing what he’s going to jail for. The fact that the OP doesn’t want to say what it is would indicate that it’s not anything which would engender sympathy, and 60 days would indicate it’s not his first offense (or he’s in violation of some kind of probation and got a suspended sentence revoked).

It’s not really possible to give helpful advice without knowing what he did. The best advice might be to DTMFA or it might not be. Not enough data. I’d bet on him not just being a victim of the system, though. It’s hard to get 60 days unless you really did something bad or did something a lot.

Before he leaves, do a movie marathon: Shawshank Redemption, Birdman of Alcatraz, etc. Then do some craft projects; making a shiv, Pruno 101, etc.

Dio earns his name :slight_smile:

But yes, just demanding “give me sympathy and advice” doesn’t mean you deserve the former. If the world really worked like that, the only way to get a fair share of sympathy would be to be bossy and unapologetic.

Complete, total, unredeemable.

Of course, that description fits many of my friends, and my wife would probably suggest that I add myself to the list… :smiley:

I know a couple people who have been in jail. It’s going to depend on the specifics of his offense and his job, but it’s not necessarily a career killer. For instance, one of the guys I know who was in jail now works as an IT guy. Another of them works as a chef.

There’s a big difference between jail and prison. Jail is unpleasant and there are plenty of tough customers in there, but it’s not anywhere near as violent or restrictive as prison. Lots of guys in jail are there for DUI, not paying child support or fines, drug possession or petty theft. It’s going to vary a lot depending on his offense and where he’s locked up, but he might even be eligible for work release.

Convicts tend to have surprisingly conservative social values. If he has long hair he should cut it. Prisoners tend to unofficially segregate themselves by race, and the close quarters fuel a lot of rabid homophobia, so it’s not place to be a hero and take a stance against bigotry.

If he asks you to help him break the law in any way, such as smuggling in contraband, don’t. It will just get him in more trouble and will get you locked up as well.

If his sentence is for 60 days, he will most likely be eligible for early release in 30, provided he doesn’t break any rules while he’s in jail. But this, like a lot of other things, is going to vary depending on the specifics of his case.

Making a shiv

Make your own pruno

Not cool. She’s genuinely worried about a love one, and you’re taunting her with implications that he might be a victim of violence? This guy probably, although not necessarily, deserves his sentence for whatever he did. But does the OP deserve this because she cares about someone who fucked up?

To reiterate for the OP, jail is much safer than prison, and even prison is a bit safer than movies would make it seem.

That gets you a hippy card. Which is just the backside of the douche bag card :slight_smile:

Making jailhouse ink, step one to a lovely prison tattoo!

Where the fuck did I suggest that?:rolleyes:

From what I’ve seen in the movies, the smartest thing to do when you get inside is to pick out the biggest, meanest dude in the jail and kick his ass. The OP should probably pass that advice along to her boyfriend. I bet it would help him out a lot.

Perhaps I’m overthinking this, but…

I find the use of the word “couldn’t” interesting, as though the OP might want to, but is still constrained.

I guess I’m a douchebag.