My brother just got a film accepted at Sundance!

Woo-hoo! Yea for him. He’s always been my funky artistic older brother hero. :smiley: I haven’t seen him in years, though, because he lives in Europe. And because he has to work out the Sundance thing, he might not be at Christmas this year after all. :frowning: But still, overall, way :smiley:

(I know nothing about the film, or even what he did for it - he’s a writer and a musician and a sculptor and a … you get the idea. But still, this may possibly be his first project that I can actually see in a real theater!)

Pretty damn cool!

Many congrats!!

Is it about gay cowboys eating pudding?

Excellent, WhyNot! Many congrats to your brother, and to you, too, for getting to have something interesting to brag about! :smiley:

Very cool. :cool:

If it is I think I’ve seen it. It has a vowel in the title.

I don’t know! I can’t get ahold of him, and all the websites that mention him are in Spanish (Spain spanish) which I don’t speak! Can’t really seem to find anything about a movie, though - it’s all about his old music project (can it be called a “band” if it’s three guys doing all electronic music?) and the art center he started in Spain. There’s one mention of a title I think might be his movie, but I can’t be sure. Ah, well, I’ll have to wait and see.

So really, this was a mundane and pointless post about something I know absolutely nothing about. Nothing to see here! :smiley:

Whynot, I’m from Spain. If you drop me an email with your bro’s name or any links, I can translate it for you.

But hurry, cos I’m going to Mom’s for ten days and she has no 'net!

email sent. Thanks!

Wow, that’s really exciting! Is there anyway you could go? It’s really a lot of fun. Back when I lived in Utah I went to a few movies at Sundance every year. The festival organizers reserved a few tickets for locals every year, first come, first serve. I usually managed to see two or three films.

Anyway, that’s fabulous news for your brother. Congratulations!!

What great news! Congratulations!


Now I can’t wait to find out more! Good for him and I hope it does really well. Is it too much to want him to actually win? Anyway, you will keep us updated, won’t you? If not, you’ll leave us all sitting on the edge of our seats.

:cool: <---- cool Hollywood producer type LOVING his film and shelling out lots of cash

I don’t think I can go myself, between the expense of flying out there and what I’m sure are exorbatant hotel rates - IF there are even rooms available this close to the festival. So I’ll have to keep my fingers crossed from here. It seems as though the movie (which I *think *might be named Elke’s Visit,) played in at least one European festival already. So, it’s obviously a “foreign film.” Even though my brother was born and raised here in the US, he’s been in Spain for many years. (Hey, what else do you do with a history degree except teach English and create art in Spain?)

At this point, I just hope it shows well and picks up an American distributor, because that’s the only way I’ll have any hope of seeing it.

I will definitely keep you updated.

:cool: <---- cool Hollywood producer type LOVING his film and shelling out lots of cash

:smiley: <---- tag-along little sis

I worked on one that was there last year!

National release in major theaters expected in February!

Here’s a hearty good luck to your brother!

Tell, tell, what was it? What did you do on it?

And congratulations by the way, both for the acceptance and the release!

Way cool! And it is no easy task to get a film accepted there, so big time congrats next time you talk to your brother!

Cool beans! Wish him luck.