My butthole itches!

Sorry, no can do. There’s a half-moon out tonight. At least on Planet Earth. I suppose you could try Mars. Send for TheBad Astronomer and ask him if any of Mars’ moons would be full tonight (as seen from the surface of Mars, of course).

It wouldn’t have to be a full moon, since only a small part of the moon itches sometimes.

Butt I’m being drawn to this thread, itching to arrive just like the flow tide. :stuck_out_tongue: It MUST be the moon…Martian or otherwise!! :smiley:

      • As said, it could be pinworms.


AAAARRRGH!!! Stupid lurkers…

And a fine, fine thread it was! :smiley:

If a man is not a hypochrondiac but he thinks he is…is he one or not?

Great name for a band: “The Itchy Bungholes”


Not sure what you mean by this question. Could be I’ve been whooshed…

Clinical depression and migraine are not psychosomatic conditions, and they have in the past and continue to cause me significant problems. I truly would love to “snap” out of them…or apply salves with names like “Feel-like-death-warmed-over-ol,” and “Damn! Life-Can-Royally-Suck-For-No-Reason-When-Things-Are-Really-Going-Well-ol.” However, these options aren’t available. Bummer.

One thing I’ve found very effective (against the depression, anyway} is to joke. Sometimes the crudest, most “childish” humor, along with talking to people and following my doctor’s instructions, can help head off some serious emotional pain.
Too bad it doesn’t work for migraine though. Then I just “batten down the hatches,” because I’m gonna be very sick for a few days. Again, bummer.

So could you explain your “hypochondriac” comment? I’d really like to know what the fuck you meant by that.

You were goodly whooshed P. T. Smegma. The joke being that hypochondria (the belief that you are ill in the absence of any organic disease) is in fact a recognised disease in itself.
So considering oneself a hypochondriac means that you ARE sick…:smiley:

:o :smack:

Thanks, kambuckta.

Sorry, chanticleer.

::pulls head out of itchy butt::

Always keep the happy thoughts. To recap:

Although on the plus side:

Have your therapist toss your salad. Relieve your itching, cheer yourself up, and get the most out of therapy.

You are not unemployed because of a “reliability problem”. They fired you because you kept scatching your ass at work. At first, people thought it was funny but then people started to complain about hygiene issues and they had to do something. You can’t put “chronic ass scratcher” on the termination papers so they called it something else. You probably already know this deep down and the shame is what is making you depressed.

BTW, your itchy ass conditionis most likely Anal Scurvy and not pin worms.


You probably lost the job because you don’t wash your hands good enough…:smiley:

Hopefully you don’t pick your nose as well. The continuous scent may be what is causing the headaches. Which in combination would explain why you feel so depressed.

As far as the itch goes…start using Charmin w/ Aloe. That’ll get rid of it more than likely. If not, a dab of OraGel will work, I guarantee it. BUTT please…wash your hands afterwards.:wink:

  1. Nobody I know would give their butt a thorough scratching at a luau.
  2. Nobody I know would go back for a second go at it at a luau.
  3. Nobody I know would announce that their itchy butt is driving them nuts and march off to annoint it.
  4. Nobody I know would offer advice on how to cure itchy buttholes at a luau.
  5. I don’t know anybody from Georgia.
  6. We don’t have a lot of luaus around here.

Truly, butt scratching is the world’s most underrated pleasure.

featherlou: If you think I wouldn’t partake in a good scratching at a luau, then you clearly don’t understand the subtle nuances of your husband’s personality at all!

Oh yes, forgot about hubbo’s butt scratching tendencies.:rolleyes: Could you please change those points to “Nobody I know except my husband would scratch their butts…”

What the hell did Anal Scurvy have to do with P.T.Smegma’s ass problems? Come to think of it, Anal hasn’t posted for a few weeks…
