I had to say good-bye to my best friend today and give him the sweet peace he deserved. He’d been sick since before Memorial Day weekend, and I tried, oh God, I tried so hard to make him better.
I was giving him twice daily IV drips, pain meds, anti-nausea meds and antibiotics. He just couldn’t turn around. He’d lost an incredible amount of weight, and in this last week, had lost another eight pounds. This morning, after talking to the vet, we determined it was time to give him the rest and peace he so richly deserved. He’d reached cachexia. There was nothing to do but let him go.
He was the most loyal, loving, good-natured, and non-judgemental soul. He gave me nine years of boundless joy and was always there in my darkest hour.
I loved that dog more than was reasonable, I think. I could have the worst day at work, and one twenty minute greeting session when I came home from work would lift my spirits.
He was great with kids, and was very protective of the whole family. This included our friends.
He was free with his love and his sweet, sweet doggy kisses. He loved people and instinctively understood when certain people weren’t in to dogs jumping up on them. Then, he’d quietly sit by their side, put his paw up on their leg, and quietly wait for a scritch.
To be sure, there was aggravation, he had an issue with spreading our kitchen garbage around the house, but really, this was his only bad point.
I keep waiting for the tick-tick-tick of his feet on our kitchen floor, or his “let me in” yelp at the back door. It’s hard, so hard, knowing I won’t hear it again.
He was a lab mix and had the softest, most beautiful fur. His coat always had a beautiful sheen to it. Everyone commented on it.
His favorite game was chasing after sticks. He wouldn’t want to give them back, but sure wanted us to throw them.
So today, we had our last chase the stick game. He chased a few and brought them back and actually dropped them on the ground for us to throw again. But, he soon became tired, and I brought him back inside, where I gave him lots of loves and lots of scritches and hugs. So did the rest of the family.
We were all there to say good-bye to him. We held and kissed him as he went. It was quick for him.
I’m still shattered, and I’ll need to grieve, but I hope that eventually, the many happy memories I have of him give me peace.
The above is a link to a picture of my sweet Cap’n.