My cat stuck his tongue out at me.

I must ask the other cat owners out there. Do you find it just hilarious when one of your cats turns to look at you, and even though their mouth closed, the tip of their tongue is visible?

One of mine and Tiggrkitty’s cats did that last night, and for him, it’s a very rare occurrence. He hopped up on me and meowed, and then looked at me. And there it was. Just a little bit of pink.

I don’t know why it’s so funny. But, I’ll start off just kind of giggling at it, then the more I look at it, the more I laugh. Then they’ll yawn, meow again, or lick their lips, and it’s over. It’s almost disappointing just thinking about it…


One of mine does this all the time.

Here’s one.
Here’s another.

I had a cat who would sleep with his tongue hanging out. It was pretty goofy looking.

I wish mine did that. She just sacks out a lot, which I think is adorable. The other one snores.

Wow, is that you?

Our cats do it all the time. What’s funny is that they apparerntly aren’t aware of it. We uisually touch therm on the tongue, and this encourages them to stick it back in.

yup, the Lord does it too …

and he looks indignant when i chuckle at him :stuck_out_tongue:

Not again, not again, not again.

No, that photo is from this thread. I edited the picture to say I could see her nipples. The worst part of this is that in post 31 of that very thread, I made the same mistake. I’d since renamed the file and filed it away, neatly, numbered … and damned if I didn’t do the same thing.

The picture that was supposed to be posted was this one. (Previews - yes, that’s the correct one.)

What is it these days? My husband is a dog in a cheerleading outfit, and my cat has rubber nipples and looks like a human. Oh, yes, and last Christmas I managed to grow a stuffed toy Super Pickle out of my amaryllis pot. Anything else?

Er, um, I don’t think that first pic is what you thought it was.

Here’s the thread it was from, in case people are worried.

My Tio does that sometimes. I stick my tongue back out at him, but he doesn’t get it.

Those links don’t work now. I was trying to see the original pic to determine what all the fuss was, and because I like cute chicks, but all it leads me to is a page of broken links.

You are dead to me now. DEAD!


This behavior shouldn’t be a problem unless there’s a lot of frozen poles where you live.

I had that exact problem in Gdańsk last February, oddly enough.


Just remove the rubber nips and that’s the original pic. One sec…

Here is the original! (double checks… yep)

Can I be undead to you now? I won’t eat your brain. :smiley:

Yeay! Purdy girl…[slobber]

You are undead to me.

I don’t see no nipple. But if the wind was just right…