My Cousin Vinny card trick

William tells Vinny that he wants to go with a public defender. Vinny illustrates how the prosecutor will build a case, using a playing card. He pulls the cards out of the box and shows the ace of spades. After he does his spiel, he turns the card over and it’s the joker. I’m pretty sure he pulled two cards from the deck. What I can’t see is where he makes the change. He’s not palming a card in either hand.

Does the changeover happen when he waves his hand, bringing his right hand down and dropping the ace in his lap, leaving the joker?

I don’t remember this trick in the movie, but it sounds like a variation of “pick up two cards, show card 2, put down both cards, pick up card 1 again.”

Yes, that’s exactly it.

If I’m ever falsely charged with murder, the first thing I’m going to ask my lawyer is, “do you always carry a deck of cards in case you need to make a speech involving masonry metaphors?”

Maybe second question, first has to be “Do you have a fiery hot girlfriend who happens to be an expert in an important set of knowledge related to the case?”