My doctor hates my birds.

I’ve spent the last two months dealing with ‘shortness of breath’ and other nasty effects, and then a last week in the hospital with chest tubes. Yay. Now the lung doctor, after examining the chunks of lungs they sucked out, says I have to get rid of all my birds. Now. Actually he said, “Get rid of all 10 stupid birds.”
My birds are not stupid. They know their names, give kisses, etc. And I know that’s not the point. Also not the point that I only have 9. The point is that the ‘hypersensitivity pneumonitis’ will kill me if I don’t.
I am bummed. This sucks big hairy donkey balls. I have two older cockatiels that will be bewildered at being rehomed, since they are very shy and used to their space. I have spent nearly three years taming my vicious lovebird female to be able to be handled and she actually likes people now. Although she still tries to kill our Rottie. I have some phone calls in to rescue groups and other people I know, trying to find the best home for my babies. Damn.:mad:

Oh, my sympathies. I want to take one of them, but we and our landlord have a written agreement - no pets except for tank ones (we have a little gecko and a turtle). Poor little birdies. :frowning: Poor schnuckiputzi. :frowning:

Oh no :frowning:

I had a similar experience, 20+ years ago, when cat #2 pushed me over the edge from “occasional sniffles” to full blown asthma requiring daily meds and 3 rounds of oral steroids in 5 months (for some reason, the first cat wasn’t a problem, adding a second one just upped the dander load that last little bit).

Any chance you could keep just the two older cockatiels, and do a major housecleaning, and lifestyle changes like limiting their access, running HEPA filters, and other methods to reduce their impact on you?

Wish I was closer, I adore 'tiels and would rehome yours in a heartbeat. I miss Baby majorly.

Would air filtration possibly help?

Cockatiels are very dusty birds, it’s true. Are your bird cages in your bedroom? If so, try moving them out and see if that makes a difference. I seriously doubt your lovie is causing the problem because they don’t tend to be dusty birds.

You could get a great big Rottweiler and name him Tank. :slight_smile:

I’m very sorry to see the OP’s problem. Have you tried air cleaners, HEPA filters, and a separate, dedicated bird room? edit: I see I am not the first to have this thought. ~:>

For those of you suggesting HEPA filters, a dedicated bird room, etc. - those are NOT options with hypersensitivity pneumonitis. The OP can’t be around any birds at all now, ever. This isn’t an allergy we’re talking about; it’s a progressive, destructive, and irreversible lung disease which will kill him/her eventually if any exposure continues. The birds have to go, period.

Schnickiputzi, I’m so sorry to hear you’re having to deal with this. Rehoming your birds isn’t going to be fun, for you or for your feathered buddies, and knowing it’s necessary doesn’t make the heartache any easier to bear. I hope you succeed in quickly lining up good homes for all your feathered pals.

Oh, I am so so sorry. Any chance you could consult another doctor (who is a little more understanding about your attachment to your birds) and ask about possible alternatives or ways to be able to keep some of them, at least?
Edit: Oops. That’s a definitive no, then. I hope you’re able to rehome them with people you feel you can trust and can at least get peace of mind out of all of this.

Unfortunately, with my compromised immune system due to chemo, the doctor says they have to go. Right now they are not anywhere near my bedroom, and they really don’t have too much dust except when they’re molting or nesting. The blood samples they took react to ‘bird feathers and droppings’. And the old house we live in probably would take thousands to update for filters, etc. Thank God they didn’t try to take away my dogs…or my cat.

How sad! My mom’s cockatiel is her baby and she’s be devastated to have to give him up. That said, at least you know what’s going on with your health now. Be well.

Aw, dammit. Ignorance fought (I’m more familiar with allergy / asthma, and in fact hadn’t realized that hypersensitivy pneumonitis was anything other than a form of that).

So, ignore what I said earlier. Sorry!!!

And after googling the term, you’ve got your own Wikipedia page:

No - cockatiels and cockatoos are the dustiest of birds and the worst offenders for lung problems of all sorts. They can’t help it, it’s just they way they are, and there no diet or anything to change that.

If the lung problems are that serious in the human I’m afraid the birds will have to be rehomed. Which will be very stressful for all involved.

Awww, my deepest sympathies. If I could I would take your 'tiels as well. I miss mine horribly, and even with my asthma I loved my little powder-downed darlings until they passed away at a bit over 15 years. All the best of luck finding loving homes for them all, and comfort for your loss. {{{hugs}}}