My due date is 11 days away and the waiting is driving me crazy

I also had a male OB who (much to the horror of my natural childbirth friends) said “I’ve learned not to to stand between a woman and her baby, if you want to be induced anytime after 38 weeks, I’m not going to stop you.”

I wouldn’t recommend it (apparently induced births are usually a lot more painful), but I’m telling you because a male OB who by that time had delivered thousands of babies was well aware of how hard it was to wait (and how hormonal and physically and emotionally drained you can be by the end of it).

raises hand Excuse me, what is the “show”?

I hope the baby arrives soon and all baby parts are the perfectest ones ever.

When you’re getting close to going into labor, the cervix starts to open up a little and releases some blood and/or blood-tinged mucous. This is referred to as “bloody show”.

If you manage to catch video of the event, it’s a “bloody good show”.

And it doesn’t always happen. And some women get some blood at all sorts of various points in their pregnancy that has nothing to do with being close to labor - scary as hell, but when its a small amount its usually nothing (I had some at six months and again around eight).

That’s a bloody good joke. :slight_smile:

How about raspberry leaf tea?

I developed PUPPPs rash late in my pregnancy and just about went crazy with the itching. It sounds dumb because it’s just a rash, right? Except it’s truly one of the worst things I’ve experienced, way worse than pain. Anyway, the only way to cure the rash is to have the baby. So I started drinking raspberry leaf tea and had my little guy two days later, one week before he was due. He was born at 9 lbs, so I think it was the right time!

I am definitely stealing this and pretending I invented it. Now I just have to find a way to work it into conversation…

In other news, I have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow (39 weeks). I’m kind of hoping she’ll be like, “Oh, didn’t you notice? You’re in labor right now! Let’s go deliver this baby.” I’ve had three different people - one of them today, actually, at a family picnic - tell me that their doctor had to inform them they were in labor. Somehow I doubt that’s the majority proposition, but what the hell, a girl can dream, right?

It’s possible – the early stages of labor can be very similar to Braxton- Hicks. Actually by some definitions you are already in labor since you were 50% effaced three days ago. When I reached that stage before the birth of my first child my OB told me not to go anywhere alone and not to go anywhere that was more than 15 minutes’ drive to the hospital.

Here’s my prediction: When you see your doctor tomorrow, she’ll say everything is just fine, you’re almost entirely effaced and could start active labor at any minute. Later on, you will start feeling mild contractions about 15 minutes apart. Gradually, over the course of the next six to eight hours they will get stronger and closer together. Around two o’clock in the morning, your water will break and you will go to the hospital. Three or four hours later, after a bit of hard work including several really strong pushes, your baby will be born and will be absolutely perfect.

You will feel absolutely wonderful.

<kicks iftheresaway “Are we there yet, are we there yet are we there yet?”

That’s what your little one is saying whenever he kicks now. :smiley:

Why do doctors tell hugely pregnant women, “It could be any day now”? Do they think it’s kind to tease someone who can’t walk without waddling and who hasn’t been able to tie her own shoes for a month? My first daughter was due on October 23 (long, long ago), and my OB told me about three weeks before that it could be “any day now”, with the result that when she was born on October 19, I felt like she was weeks late.

Hang in there, and use this time to make everyone around you do everything you want them to do for you. It’s no less than you deserve. Good luck with what I’m sure will be a wonderful experience!

My kid was “due any time” from Feb 8 and showed up on Feb 26. We were in the middle of a heatwave over here, so I’m hoping you’re at least somewhere with air conditioning, because the heat just made everything that much worse.

I feel your frustration.

Thank you. This is the kind of translation dictionaries never, ever provide.

I’m so glad that my midwife told me “probably not this week” right up until she visited me and the baby in the hospital after birth. It kept my expectations low.

Come to think of it, it was her final exam that put me into labor. The key words are “through the cervix” and “sweep the membranes”. Even if you aren’t ready to have membranes swept… just having the examiner put the finger through the cervix can work wonders.

Well, I see we haven’t heard from the OP in a while – maybe my prediction was right!

Well, as I type this, she’s active on the SDMB. And she was with us last night, about seventeen hours ago.

Sadly, no (although it was a lovely prediction!). I had a doctor’s appointment this afternoon and was hoping for exciting news, but didn’t get it. Nothing’s changed except my blood pressure, so now I have to do a 24-hour urine collection to monitor for preeclampsia. I’ve been thinking about the best way to get revenge on my son, and I think I’ve settled on taking him to the mall when he’s 15 and hugging him a lot in front of his friends.

Oh, well. Maybe tonight.

I really hope you don’t have preeclampsia. That is nothing to mess around with, as I’m sure you know.

Well, my water broke this morning, so at least I don’t have to spend all day collecting my pee. I’m still not reapply having any contractions, though, so it feels a bit weird to be sitting here in the hospital twiddling my thumbs.

Are they going to induce you now that your water broke?