My due date is 11 days away and the waiting is driving me crazy

They wanted to induce me when my water broke and I insisted they give me time. My water broke at 12:25 PM and I was having contractions by 4. If you don’t want pitocin, which I adamantly didn’t, ask them to hold off a while. By tomorrow this time you’ll have your baby! (Maybe try to take a nap…)

I’ve been wandering the halls - I’d really like to avoid piocin if possible (which my doctor knows). I am having some more contractions now, so hopefully it won’t be required. My husband, by the way, is laughing his ass off that I wanted to take a break from walking to post on the dope. What can I say? I’m a nerd.

Walking is excellent to do. I agree with you and Zjestika to avoid the pitocin if at all possible. The doctors and nurses will let you know if the baby is in distress. IMHO letting nature take her course is the best if safe and possible.

Congratulations! It surely won’t be long now.

Yes! Keep walking, or at least sitting upright. With the second limey, I used a squat bar for most of my labor, and it went the quickest. Here’s hoping the boy gets there soon!

Yay! Keep walking! Congratulations and good luck.

Good luck good luck good luck! Ahh. I remember this part, the amazing wait. My son just turned two. Have fun! It really is fun, you know? Even when it’s impossible and painful and stuff.

Who *are *you people who can do things while you’re in labor? Seriously?

Sorry :smiley:

It’s definitely different from what I expected so far. The contractions aren’t fun, but between them I’m just hanging out, walking or reading the Dope (like now while I’m on the monitor). They’re intense but short. I’m actually really glad I have something to keep me entertained - I made fun of myself for worrying about boredom during labor, but I would actually be bored without some kind of distractions.

At this rate iftheresaway jr. will be posting soon. As a heads-up, you’ll need a separate account for the baby. :wink: Good luck to you!

Now, this is the sort of dedication to the SDMB that I like to see! If we get a picture within an hour of the birth, I say we give iftheresaway the 2012 Doper of the Year title even though it’s only July!

Ah, crap. So close to winning the title!

In other news, I made a human! What did you do today? :smiley: my super soft little boy was 8lbs., 2 oz., born at 10:51 central, and does not look freakish at all (I was kinda surprised!)

I’ve never used Flickr or photobucket or anything. Anyone know how easy it is to do anonymous pictures online? And when will they invent touchable pictures? I knew babies were soft, but his skin has to be felt to be believed.

Aww, congrats!! Sounds like it wasn’t too difficult a time for you, and that’s always a good thing :slight_smile:

And they need to make SMELLABLE photos. New Baby Smell = <3

I use TinyPic for everything; hope you can post some pics soon :slight_smile:

Yaaay! His moniker could be iftheresababe :smiley:

Oh yes, I remember it well. The last month I was pretty much convinced I was going to be the first woman in the history of the world to be pregnant forever and my daughter was only two weeks late.

My son was early, and even with one successful pregnancy and delivery under my belt, I was STILL convinced he would never arrive.

:smiley: I won’t even say it, because I know it won’t help. But I’m sending warm “deal with it” vibes your way.

Oh, hooray, congratulations, and enjoy! And yes, everything about brand new babies is magical. It gets even better. Be prepared.*

*Yes, there will be some rough times of no sleep, toddler tantrums, teenage angst, etc. It’s still good, though. Everyone will warn you about the bad stuff, but parenting can make one absent-minded, so they forget to reassure you that the good parts remain.

I was thinking she should call him William. You know–iftheresaway, there’s a Will?

Thanks! My husband was amazing. I did it without any medication, which meant I relied a lot on his energy. Right up until the pushing part, when I relied on the fact that they won’t let you leave in the middle :wink: I’m pretty sure I gave up at the beginning and end of every contraction, but we muddled through somehow.

Thanks for the TinyPic recommendation - I signed up but can’t seem to upload a pic from the iPad. I’ll have try try from my phone later. I think this is the first time I’ve ever been sad that the Dope doesn’t allow pics or avatars!

Magical is right! How do theft make nostrils so tiny ( how did I make nostrils so tiny?)

Thanks for the footnote. I’m wiped out, but I feel like my heart is going to explode every time I look at him. Worth it.

congratulations on your new son! :):):):):):):slight_smile:

and thank you for sharing with us, now we do need photos for WILL (hope you name him that)

Many, many congratulations, iftheresaway!