My due date is 11 days away and the waiting is driving me crazy

Congratulations! Welcome, iftheresababy!!

Hooray and congratulations! What a wonderful day!

It’s too bad there’s no way to have an online baby shower.

Sings: If I Knew You Were Coming I’d Have Baked A Cake to new babby.*
*My nephew’s gf just had a baby girl. My sister kept texting me updates during the labor. I kept spelling baby “babby”. My sister thought she was spelling it wrong and changed to my spelling. Got me into a bit of trouble.

Congratulations! I’ve been following this thread and am so happy to hear that you made a beautiful little human. Enjoy!

Congrats! And add another vote for naming him Will!

It’s pretty overwhelming, isn’t it? Feels like your heart just isn’t big enough to contain all the love and wonder and awe.


Whooohooo! We have a new doper! Congratulations and we can’t wait to see pics!

Good on ya.

Now, start saving for college. NOW!

Yay, congratulations! After ours was born my husband and I kept marvelling that it felt like we’d known her face our whole lives. And that brand-new baby smell is so intoxicating.

I tried to fall asleep during my pushing. I was gently humored and allowed a break. Then back to it!

I know! Also, I have never been so obsessed with what’s in nostrils. So many boogers.


Oy, the pushing! So complicated. I tried to give up and go home several times, but apparently they won’t let you leave when you’re crowning :frowning: :smiley:

Thank you to everyone for all the congratulations! I’d like to demonstrate my appreciation by sharing pics of the cutest 12-hour-old you’ve ever seen. Sorry to disappoint on the name - Will is cute, but we named him for my husband’s brother and my father, both of whom have passed away.

Adorable photos! I really like the second to last one.

Love the photos, and thank you for doing your part to ensure that Doper babies remain the best-looking, smartest, most remarkable kids around! Please play with his toes on my behalf, and give him a good sniff for me, too.

I like number 16 the best.

He’s definitely a cutie. Good work, iftheresaway.

He is the cutest! Congratulations :slight_smile:

That baby doesn’t just look at his little hand, he contemplates it. Looks like a beautiful, smart little boy!

Oh, and just for fun: if you make a free account at this site and fill in your sons birth data, you get a free character horoscope. I recommend the free short horoscope for children by Robert Hand. It reduces the uncertainty of what his character will be like! :wink:

very nice photos, hard to pick a favorite but those feetsies - :slight_smile:

Congrats! We all knew you had it in you!

Awww… Sweetie baby!