My ex-uncle the ex-lawyer was on Larry King

Tonight, I was online, chatting and playing solitaire, when I heard my mother cheer loudly. I heard something about Scott Thorson and Larry King in the background. A few minutes later, she came in to tell me what was going on.

For those who don’t know, Scott Thorson was Liberace’s lover who sued for palimony in 1982. The palimony claim was thrown out of court, but there was a settlement of $95,000 in 1984. My uncle, Michael Rosenthal, was the lawyer representing Thorson. For some reason, Larry King is interviewing Thorson on his show tonight.

Some years later, my uncle was disbarred for reasons I have never been privy to.

This was a weird experience. For various reasons, I have been estranged from my father’s side of the family for quite a long time. Seeing my uncle like this on national television is a bit discomfiting, to say the least.

And if y’all will excuse me, I’m changing the channel to “Unwrapped”. This is more contact with my paterna family than I’d like for one night.


I think it takes a lot to disbar an atty. You might find info. on your uncle at the state bar’s web site where he last practiced – if you’re interested.


Im an author & director for ARTE - the german-french culture TV in Europe. I make now a research for my new TV Documentary about LIBERACE for ARTE. Im looking for Michael Rosenthal, your uncle. You have maybe an address or similiar for me? thank you very much… jeremias

I do not. I have not had contact with that side of my family in over 20 years. If you PM me with an email, I will pass it on, but I’m not promising anything.

The CA bar has has an address and phone for him, though given that he was disbarred in the 80’s*, you’d be pretty lucky if they still worked.

*(for stealing money from clients to fuel alcohol and cocaine addiction in true 80’s guy style, in case MsRobyn is still wondering after the decade+ since this thread started).

Thanks for the info. . That address goes to a box number pack and ship, so it’s probably valid. I’m not curious enough to call the phone number.

Thanks for finding the info, Simplicio. I knew there were drug and alcohol problems, but I didn’t know it was that bad.

thank you very much…I will try it…jeremias

Wow! A post to a 12 year old thread and a swift reply after 14 minutes. I’m impressed!

Don’t be. I’m subscribed to the thread, so once I got the email notification, I was able to respond. Truth is, I forgot all about this.