My facebook news feed is apparently dead

This is where my Facebook is at now, starting just today. Googling I see that people have been having this problem since January, and a similar problem since 2012 or such. I can keep clicking Refresh to experiment: there’s one ten days-old post it always shows, it will show zero or one other post, picked from a small set; then the obnoxious message. There have been several other posts since then which it does not show. (I can see them by clicking to Friends’ Timelines, one by one.)

I get the same bug with two different browsers. I don’t use smart-phone but maybe I’ll borrow my wife’s and try it there.

Some of the posters on Facebook’s question/complaint board suggest (sarcastically?) this is a feature, not a big — they don’t want to look at Newsfeed posts. I tend to agree: Even when not completely broken, Facebook ignores my “Show this Friend First” clicks, and presents lots of political messages I never asked for.)

So even before this bug I was not entirely happy with my Newsfeed experience, nor Facebook in general. I would have deleted my Facebook account long ago, except that it seems to be mandatory: My wife will say “So-and-so posted an hour ago, and you still haven’t clicked Like? What’s wrong with you?” Now I have an excuse: “Sorry; Newsfeed is broken.”

(* — If in the Pit I would replace “not entirely happy with Facebook” with “detest every single feature of Facebook with passion.”)