but now I can only type w/my lefrt hand. Riught one needs to stay elevated.
what kind of surgery was it? how long till you’re back to two-handed typing? glad to hear it went well.
Gotta say I can’t see the point of surfing the internet one handed.
Glad to hear the surgery went well! Can I just say that this thread title is hilarious?
…no? I can’t? Well, OK, best wishes for a good recovery, then.
A friend of mine called his wife to tell her he’d lost his finger in a primer cord accident.
Her: Oh dear… which one?
Him: My hole finger.
Her: Gosh, your whole finger… but which one?
Him: My hole finger.
Her: Dammit, I get that but which one?
I accidentally my whole finger!
At the risk of being whooshed, what’s a “hole finger”? For that matter, what’s a primer cord?
Thnx for the nice sentiments. Bandage comes off in 4 days, sutures another week after that. Gettin used to 1-handed typing tho using a 10-key should be easier (data entry).
Had growth on ring finger removed–not quite tumor, but big and growing. 99% chance benign. Lookin forward to when wife gets to see Franken-digit (all wrapped up now). Need to wear baggie on my hand when i shower but otherwise not a big deal. At least Mrs. slightly nicer to me today.
It’s an ill wind that blows no good.
Unlike us, who are all over the oppty. to mock you? Damn, you got yourself a winner there.
Hope your healing proceeds apace!
Glad to hear it went well. Wishing you a speedy recovery!
Sorry to see you typing with a limp. Get well soon.
I hope the recovery goes well. Meanwhile, I suppose your friends and co-workers are calling to ask about your hand job.
Well, i needed to be nice to her 1st because i needed a ride home! Couldnt drive home w/stickshift hand numb.
Shes the best wife in the world but was under a lot of stress today, so I chose not to remind her that this surgery was her idea.
Hardly a hand job–just some minor fingering.
Did that myself 3 weeks ago. Arthritis-related pocket of synovium in the middle knuckle of my right pinky.
My stitches are out, and I don’t have to be as careful about bashing my hand into stuff as I once was, but I’m not yet entirely pain-free, nor has the internal inflammation gone down enough for full range of motion to resume.
People would see the finger splint I used as armor for the first 10 day and ask what happened. My snappy comeback was, “Got my nose busted…”
Was your regular doctor able to perform this task or did you have to go to a hand specialist? I’m curious, we’re subject to advertisements in which clinics advise as to their expertise in these matters. I’ve no experience here and was curious if like with a podiatrist or rheumatologist a specialist is best consulted.
pulykamell, it’s my understanding primer cord is a low level explosive used to detonate more powerful charges, kindo of like a blasting cap that can be strung down the length of an array. It’s detonated with pressure and Bill used a crimper that exerted too much.
Did ya get any painkillers? I love me some painkillers…
Could he mean Primacord?
Well thanks, GuanoLad. “Primer” made sense so I never suspected an alternate spelling. Duly noted.
Good luck with your recovery, ArchiveGuy. Your posts are consistently ones we don’t want to miss.