IRL has passed away.
I will miss you, my friend.
Steve -NCB-
IRL has passed away.
I will miss you, my friend.
Steve -NCB-
NCB, you have my deepest sympathies and my sincerest condolonces…
Condolences on your loss, my friend.
many hugs
Rest in peace, Lucas.
Oh, NCB, I’m so sorry.
You and the rest of Lucas’s family are in my thought.
So sorry to hear about that NoClueBoy. Keep thinking of the good times and remember chocolate is your friend.
I’m so sorry NCB, for you and Lucas’ family.
It seems like no time at all passed between when you told us and when it happened.
Very sorry
I’m so sorry NCB. My thoughts and prayers will be with Lucas’ family and you.
My condolences, NCB… I hope you’re doing okay.
I am sorry to hear this, lad. Take care of yourself, and know that I’ll keep both of you in my prayers. My thoughts are with you, and you know I’ve always got a shoulder for you to lean on or cry on.
Thanks for your support, guys.
For those unfamiliar with the backstory, Lucas was diagnosed with a brain tumor in April and had to have an operation. They couldn’t get all of it, so they tried an experimental treatment on him. Otherwise he had 6 months to 2 yrs to live.
The experimental treatment failed in a big way, which actually advanced the science of it, according to the docs. His was the first failure. So he went to the route of chemotherapy.
And just got worse. The cancer came back and spread. He deteriorated rapidly this last month. A little more than a week ago, he was told he had less than two weeks left. Then, last Friday (was it?), he slipped into a coma. The docs told us he wouldn’t last the weekend, and he didn’t.
His last views, the last sounds he heard, were of friends and family. He was calm and aware when he told us goodbye. He had hospice at his parent’s home, in peace. Hey, if people have to die, let it be gentle.
He had a wickedly weird sense of humor and rarely seemed pissed at people. He had a thirst for knowledge and valued quality over quantity. Not just in things, it showed in his friendships, too. Still, he had a fairly large circle of friends, just that only a few were very close to him.
We met several years ago through mutual friends and instantly hit it off as friends. Though there were some major differences in us, we held similar things dear and had like tastes.
He was often quiet around groups, but all kids and animals loved him. He never understood that, but it was obvious he enjoyed it. Though he was living in an adult world, he was basically just a big kid himself. And no one would’ve ever thought anything odd about it, either.
He was a good guy, a likeable goof, a loveable friend. For the few years I knew him, he was like a brother.
He was 29.
I remember when you first mentioned him. I’m sorry for your loss, I really am. Take care of yourself too.
To be honest, it’s kind of a relief now. For six months, everything just kept getting worse. Now, we actually hit bottom. What could be worse?
Lucas: “Could be raining.”
Yeah, he was like that. He told the doctors in April, “It’s not a tumor!” in a very thick Austrian accent. During one of the earlier hospital visits, he motioned me over and said, “You’re standing on my air hose.”
It’s been raining here for 11 days. Even when it isn’t raining, it looks like it is. No Sun for 11 days. So, you see the humor in his ‘beyond the grave’ message.
I’ll be fine.
You were blessed to have him as a friend and he was to have you as a friend too.
As Liberal would say, he’s not in that broken body anymore, he’s romping around up there.
I’m sorry for your loss, but I’m glad that Lucas managed to enjoy the time he had.
By up there, I mean quantum foam. I think.
Blowing bubbles.
He had a strong faith in God. And I believe God’s promises myself. So, all those types of condolences are also welcome.
Like his mom told me this morning, “Where ever he is, he’s not in pain anymore.”
From The Promised Land by Bruce Springsteen
*I’ve done my best to live the right way
I get up every morning and go to work each day
But your eyes go blind and your blood runs cold
Sometimes I feel so weak I just want to explode
Explode and tear this whole town apart
Take a knife and cut this pain from my heart
Find somebody itching for something to start
The dogs on Main Street howl
'cause they understand
If I could take one moment into my hands
Mister I ain’t a boy, no I’m a man
And I believe in a promised land*
I think to honor your friend, you have to tell a joke every day.
He sounds like he was a great friend, and man, NCB.