My girlfriend, the cinnamon pusher

We have a Starbucks on the ground floor of my office building. Even worse, my girlfriend works there. I’m doomed, 'nuff said.

I’ve been a long-time fan of an occasional Cinnamon Chip scone from the pastry case, but little did I know the addictive potential, lingering below the icing-drizzled surface, just waiting to be catalyzed by the “limited time” Cinnamon Dolce Latte.

Good Og. My only hope is that the “limited time” will end soon. They are a truly dangerous duo. You have been warned.

Your girlfriend is Evil.
That damned Cinnamon Dolce latte is like crack-in-a-cup.

Yummy, yummy, yummy.

What are you going to move onto once this item has been discontinued?

Prior to my life of trading sex for cinnamon, I was a happy soy latte drinker. I’ll probably go back to that.

I quit smoking mainly to avoid the evil temptation that is Starbucks. I have so far never given in to the temptation, even when they have offered me a “free taste”. I’ve seen too many of my fellow employees get sucked in. When they actually have Starbucks as an entry on their monthly budget, you know that coffee has to have some sort of drug additive to hook people.

Of course, I still have to walk by Starbucks now and then just to glance in at honeydewgrrl’s girlfriend. She’s such a sweetie. :wink:

Trading sex for cinnamon? That is the very definition of win-win.

I have utterly no defense against fresh cinnamon rolls.

I go to get a coffee, and I tell myself firmly that I don’t have the money to spend on a cinnamon roll, and I don’t need the calories anyway, so I am not going to get one.

Then I stand there ordering and say, “I’d like a tall skinny latte, please . . .” and I’m resisting temptation and all that and then I hear myself say, “andacinnamonrollpleasealsothanks.”


Cinnamon is good for you, though. Really.

Not good enough to cancel out all the sugar & such, but, hey…tryin’ to find the bright side here.

Drool. At the store near my house on the way to work they have Cinnamon Roll cappucino in the machine. Irresistable.

I tried one, and they tasted like all other Starbucks flavored concoctions–the rancid grease smell of an old bowling alley, or barber shop.

Isn’t she though? :smiley:

Reads the vague profile and starts slipping the hamsters some carrots to loosen their lips

The hampsters will never tell! Of course, since my email is available in my profile, you’ll have no problem figuring out who I am. Glad to see someone else from the company is active here. Going by your post count, you’re a lot more active than I am. :wink:


Ooo, those sound good. I wonder if they’re available in Canada…

plots trip to Starbucks this weekend to find out

I got cinnamon. Will trade for sex.