My goal this holiday season

Well, it’s the holidays. Whether you celebrate Christmas or one of those non-Santa type holidays, this is truly the season of giving, love, and peace. There is something missing in my life, and I feel that only by certain deeds over the holiday season can I fill this empty void.

I asked myself “How can I fill this void? Should I give of my time to people that aren’t as well off as I am? Should I do something with kids? Should I sing carols for the elderly? Should I give of myself, rather than always taking?”

Of course, my answer to all of those was a resounding no, because all of those require effort. Rather, I have decided to maky my holiday goal be to see how many times I can watch the movie “A Christmas Story” from the end of Thanksgiving until the end of Christmas day.

I am limiting myself to only watching when it is broadcast on TV. I am currently up to 2 times.

Granted, some may say this is selfish and pathetic, but ever since I started this little venture, the world sure seems a lot better from where I am at.

Merry Christmas everyone!

Merry Christmas, Mulli!! And I hope you enjoy the movie. Again and again and again and again and again and again and… :smiley:

And here I was, thinking that you were finally going to try crossbreeding a mule and an alligator!

::slaps forehead::

Silly me!

Hey, what cable service do you use? I’m on BellSouth Cable(as required by my complex, since I don’t want to go the satellite route yet. Blech.) up in north Atlanta, and I haven’t seen it broadcast once yet. Did I miss a showing on TBS or TNT?? How disappointing. Of course, I do own a copy of the video…

A very nice aspiration; I hope you requested off the day where TBS plays a 24 hour marathon of it. i personally love that movie because it personifies my dad’s life. He never got his Red Ryder BB gunb either, for the exact reason. “You’ll shoot your eye out!” He also had an ecentric dad who acted exactly the same way. It is funny listening to him talk about his secret de-coder ring too.

The TBS marathon begins on Christmas Eve and runs through Christmas Day. 24 straight hours of “A Christmas Story”. Becha can’t watch 'em all, Mully!

Fun fact: Earlier this year, Mr. Rilch worked on a movie directed by Peter Billingsley. I didn’t meet him closeup, but saw him talking to the cast. It’s great to see someone from our age group who started out as a kid actor and did not burn out.

Update time: I am up to 8 times, and with God as my co-pilot I will reach 20 by the time Christmas is over.