My god! Kate Winslet is not skinny! And it's so hot!

Another vote for the curves. Mmm, that’d keep a man warm at night curves. Cameron Diaz was just gorgeous in The Mask. Recently, though, she’s just another “skull beneath the skin” blonde. Give the woman a sandwich, stat.

Sounds good to me! :smiley:

There’s more entertainment to be had from this story, actually. Because the great thing about the alterations GQ made to Winslet’s figure was that they only did her image in the foreground…forgetting completely about her reflection in a mirror behind her. So the very obviously digitally altered Kate appeared in front of her own REAL mirror image, which had rounder thighs and a less flat belly and almost “pudgy” arms.

It is also my opinion that they did a completely horrible amateurish job of digital manipulation. Winslet’s stomach has been sliced off as if it was done with an Xacto knife in an old fashioned cut and paste arrangement.

See for yourself:

And as previously mentioned, it’s notable that her reflection in the mirror is completely beautiful and nothing at all to be ashamed of. What was with this nonsense?

Yep, absolutely. Give me curves to hang on to ANY DAY OF THE WEEK. A man’s gotta have something there with which to keep warm! Short, tall, I don’t care, as long as there are curves on that woman-flesh!

Of course, I guess I’m still just preaching to the choir here, but dayyumm keep them scarecrows away from me!

…mmm…Gillian Anderson (post-baby)…
…Marilyn Monroe…

…and the list grows…

I like the mirror picture better than the altered one.

Here’s the pic of “Fat Alicia” that caused all the commotion. Wow. What a heifer. Thank goodness she turned vegan and lost 30 lbs.

So do I. Much better in the reflection. The altered shot is horrible.

Let me put in a word here for the movie Cotton Mary, which starred Greta Scacchi and Madhur Jaffrey (of cookbook fame). Scacchi herself is deliciously voluptuous and you get a few glimpses when she’s trying to nurse her newborn baby. But the real zinger in this movie is Madhur Jaffrey’s daughter, Sakina Jaffrey, who has an extended topless scene near the end of the movie. Nice curves, indeed.

Wow, that is a horrendous altering job. I could do much “better” myself in Photoshop. I can’t believe that actually got printed. Very amateurish work.

I’m glad to hear some agreement because I thought maybe it was just me. She doesn’t look like a REAL human being anymore. To me it really speaks to the “skinny is everything” mentallity that created it, know what I mean? If it’s better that she look “chopped up” and horribly edited than that she have round thighs then things have really become messed up!

I was referring to Jennifer back in her “Rocketeer” days…

I don’t the “artiste” altered the legs so badly (not that they needed altering) but that stomach - terrible! Someone needs to learn how to use the software correctly. It looks just like you said - that they used an X-Acto knife to slice off her belly area. Really badly done.

Kate looking like trash.

Kate looking good.

And… this one makes me drool.
Kate’s hot, but anybody can look bad in a poor photo.


All the Kate you could ever want.

I love Kate Winslet. I want to be Kate. She’s gorgeous, she’s sweet, she’s smart, she’s got great fashion sense…sigh. Her Oscar gown was to die for.

If there’s anyone I would ever go lesbian for, it would be Kate. She’s the best!

Her butt is also peculiar in the doctored photo. Very cartoonish. I draw nudes all the time, and nobody’s tush looks like that.

Ascenray Ahh Salma Hayek.
I agree with the other posters. I am not interested in a woman who looks as though she’ll blow away in a strong breeze, snap like a twig during an intimate embrace, or collapse from malnutrition.

I remember the day J Lo had her butt reduced. I sat, slackjawed staring into space for an hour. I could not understand why she would do such a thing. Would Shakespeare rip up an act from Macbeth? Would DaVinci slash the edges off his Mona Lisa?

Uhh … which one’s the bad one again?

Ditto. I think she looks fantastic in that first picture. It’s not my favorite dress ever but SHE and her fabulously gorgeous bod look great.

holy ASS :eek: :eek: :eek:

need… something cold…

Only problem I can see is that her face is a bit overexposed. But her hair looks great, her figure looks great, and her dress looks great.