Would someone be willing to help me with my log from HijackThis, as mentioned here?
Could this help?
It seems like it’s the hpwis.com that has overtaken your search pages that’s at fault. But maybe it’s not.
Notice these processes with the random letters:
O4 - HKLM…\Run: [iipqnxxf] c:\windows\system32\iipqnxxf.exe
O4 - HKLM…\Run: [C:\WINDOWS\eekiae.exe] C:\WINDOWS\eekiae.exe
O4 - HKLM…\Run: [0oh7ujrx] C:\Program Files\0oh7ujrx\0oh7ujrx.exe
They are the spyware in action. Those are the files you should be attempting to delete.
Yep, I’ve seen the hpwis before-it used to change my homepage. Not pretty.
Thanks, I’ll give it a look.