My Karma-O-Meter Just Exploded

If you really can’t bear to open it, then maybe you could donate it to a local charity. An orphans home, a Ronald McDonald house, a local children’s hospital; something along those lines.

However, IMHO it was a gift to you for a good deed you performed. Open it, and enjoy it. My great-aunt also gave gifts for no (or little) apparent reason. She was known to literally give people the clothes off her back. She believed that it would all be returned sevenfold when she went to heaven.

Just don’t let the woman know that you did it! Who knows what would show up on your doorstep! :stuck_out_tongue:

Sounds to me like like it could be she has a kid/grandkid who just lost his gaming privileges in a spectacular fashion (perhaps in some way related to selfishness) and you are the coincidental benefactor of her ire.

Have you seen them in the store before, and are you likely to see them again? Or did you just see them multiple times this one day?

If you see them again, maybe you should tell them the gift was too generous for your act. You really appreciate it, but you don’t deserve a reward. If they insist you keep it, then it’s yours to enjoy.

Wow. Good for you and for her for recognising what you did. I have mentioned before that I almost always will stop to pick up hitchhikers, even though I am female and usually driving alone – it’s my way of “paying it forward” for the people who would stop and give my Dad rides when he was still alive and having car troubles. I am glad that there are people who still do that and it’s totally cool to see someone rewarded. You should open the box and enjoy the PS3, seriously, you did what you did as a person – not someone looking for a reward – and someone thought you were worthy of the gift. Enjoy it. Tell everyone about it and maybe (even if only in the hopes of receiving a gift for it) it will encourage others to do the right thing?

The grandson idea is a possibility. I was thinking maybe they won it in a charity raffle or something and were wondering what to do with it.

I was thinking, similarly, that she’d won it somehow and didn’t have any kids to give it to.

She was feeling guilty. Those were her parents you got the milk for.
The picture of the possum trying to get out of the box was a nice offset though! :smiley:

Hal I agree with the suggestions of giving it to charity especially a children’s home or hospital but I have another suggustion for you. Do you know anyone who is graduating about this time from high school or college? It would make a really great Grad gift.

You did do a nice thing for the sake of being a good person so maybe you can keep the gift card, is it a gift card it looks like one, and just give away the PS3 and the game.

Another thing I just thought of. Do you have kids? Maybe you can stash the PS3 away until a birthday or Christmas and then give it to them. That way you can feel good for giving it away and you can enjoy it once in awhile.

Hal, you have done more good deeds than anyone I have ever met. From the little things like getting an old couple their milk to big things like pulling people out of car accidents and holding their oozing heads together with the t-shirt off your back. Accept the gift graciously, open the PS3 and play it, knowing that you truly do deserve it because you are a great person with a huge heart.

I’m not sure but it sounded to me as if the benefactor was a lady in line in front of him, not necessarily connected in any way with the elderly couple. At least that’s how I read it.

Thinking about it I would probably also have serious reservations about enjoying the gift without some pang of… well not guilt really… not shame either… I don’t really know what the emotion would be but I don’t think it would be the pleasant sensation of reaping the benifits of a job well done.

My kids would hate me for a long time but I would seriously consider a women’s shelter or something.

Edit - but I would probably keep the possum
Good luck.

Golly. I would feel very weird about that too! It’s a way over-the-top reward. What’s wrong with a plate of cookies?

I guess you should enjoy it, but I wouldn’t blame you for giving it away!

I suggest you enjoy it. Think of The Littlest Briston - what would you tell her if she got a great gift she wasn’t expecting? You’d tell her to say, “Thank you” and to enjoy it, and to remember how great it is and try to do something just as nice for someone else someday (or maybe lots of smaller somethings for lots of people).

That woman *wanted *to blow your mind with this really great gift. No, she won’t know if you pass it on, but still - it just feels wrong to deny her the chance to do something great for you.

Holy cow, how awesome! What a great story! Don’t forget to pay it forward though.

Hal it was a gift. She probably feels very good about herself for playing Angel or some such. I would say don’t sweat it, she was apparently set up to give a reward like this away and you should honor her decision and enjoy it. You have no reason not to. As it appears pre-planned, she is probably not some crazy blowing money she needs.

That really beats the hell out of my best Instant Karma reward.

When I was a lad of but 17, driving my seriously beat up 1970 Barracuda I helped out a lady with a dead Mercedes. Her car was dead in the parking lot and I jumped it for her. When it was started and I had told her not to turn it off until she got home to give it a chance to charge back up. She thanked me and shook my hand through the window and in doing so passed me a $20. She then drove off quickly as I was protesting she didn’t need to give me the $20.

Considering I was putting myself through community college while working two jobs for 30+ hours a week, I really did appreciate the $20. It was gas money for several weeks back then.

ETA: OK Whynot, am I in your head or are you in mine?

I feel like a freakin’ parrot, but once again… what **WhyNot ** said. :smiley:

My best guess is “Son is a little shit. Next person to do a nice thing gets his Playstation.” Either that or she won it, or she’s just looking to do a nice thing for somebody.

If you want it, you should keep it. It’s a gift for you. If she wanted to give it to charity, she would have; she wanted to give it to you.

Well, karma-wise you know that means you’re now in the hole right? Best to just drop a monitor on your foot now and get it over with.

Cool story. She wanted you to have it and enjoy it guilt free. It’s not as if you asked for or expected a reward for your good deed.

I’d like to think that in a quaint house not too far from your own, there’s a little old lady and a little old man staring intently at a B&W Magnavox trying to kick each others ass at Medal of Honor - Airborne. The image, it pleases me.