My kitten plays fetch!

Awww…alright, I guess there is popular demand. I was hoping I wouldn’t have to do any work but my hopes were dashed. i have ordered my wife to produce a suitable video for ya’ll to watch. I will have it shortly.

You’re going to have to come up with something really good to top Anastasaeon’s Super Fetching Kitty.

But you know, feel free to bring on the competition. And hurry! :slight_smile:

Sounds a lot like one of our cats. She has a definite “hello” noise when you walk into the room, and she plays fetch with those same toy mice from the video. She also knows two words – if you say the word M-O-U-S-E in her presence, she’ll go off and look for one to bring you. (The other is “suppertime”.)


Tell that damn bitch to post haste.

Damn… I’m ornery tonight…

It really was a joke towards the “order” thing. (even though I order my wife around too :wink: )

I really should try to post a vid of Ziggy fetching… but I’m a little sidetracked.

Heh, there’s an animal in my house that’s supposedly a cat. It was in the Kitten Room at the animal shelter, the people there told me he was a cat, he looks like a cat, the vet says he’s a cat, but I swear he’s a little tiny dog in a cat suit. He comes when you whistle, sits on command, speaks on command (okay, it’s that “miaaaaow” sound), rolls over for belly rubs, and plays fetch with all manner of objects. His favorite are those little jingle balls, the cage-like balls with a bell inside. He’ll drop them down the basement steps, watch it hit each step all the way down and then race after it and bring it back up.
One of these days I’ll find the zipper on his cat suit and find out just what kind of dog they pawned off on me. :wink:


In all my years, I’ve learned one thing about cats:

The best thing you can ever do for them is to train them how to be a dog.

We all love our cats, and dogs lick too much, but the middle of the road is truly preferable.

… such as…
… getting the kitty to fetch (within the house! no less)
… coming when you call him
… sleeping in the bed
… rubbing the kitty on his tummy and…
… enjoying getting flopped over forceably onto his back…
… soft bites and little licks just like a happy doggy
If all the dog people out there just understood how to train a cat to be a dog!

It’s the best of both worlds!

That OP sound exactly like my kitty, except that she prefers those rabbit fur mice (with tails eaten off for a more streamline throw) to balls. Mine studies gravity with pocket change and also calculates angle of incidence/angle of reflection to position herself where a thrown object will be. Also, she prefers Mrrr? and Rooow! as her words with an adorable chirp when talking to other animals.

At 4.5 years, she knows how to open doors with doorknobs and unzip zippers, too. Be afraid.

Anastasaeon, I love how the other kitty is just sitting there like nothing strange is happening!

Yeah, she’s a pretty laid back cat. She’s the more lovable of the two of them.

The one doing the fetching is aloof and hates to be touched unless she has given you explicit permission. In that video, she has given her permission, so she appears more sweet than she really is. Usually she’s Queen Bitch. Og help you if you try to pick her up, she flails like a hooked trout. The other girl goes limp and pliable in your hands, letting you hold her like a baby. She nuzzles and purrs and marks your hands and ears and face and whatever else she can wipe her drool glands on. Her favourite spot is my shoulder.

They’re both very smart cats, and have surprised us on many occasions. Sebastian (the girl fetching) likes to flaunt how smart she is, and Kero (the girl in the chair) is humble about her intelligence. Which probably explains her deadpan reaction in the video. If she could roll her eyes, she would. :smiley:

I like both dogs and cats just the way they are. I think it is cool that cats don’t feel the need to please everyone. :slight_smile:

Yes, me too.

I kept reading that and thinking of Mitch Hedberg’s “I hate turkeys” bit.

RIP Mitch Hedberg

Squash fetches. I’ve had other cats that fetched when they were adolescents but they all gave it up as torpid adults. Squash, though, is mad for it, even as an adult. Every night when I go to bed, every morning when I wake up, his eager little face is right in mine, cold wet nose ramming me, demanding I throw the fuzzy little cat toy he’s brought me.

He used to fetch other objects, especially plastic knives and forks. I’d sit in my recliner in the living room and toss the toy du jour. He’d pursue, capture, kill, and carry it back to me faithfully. The other cats didn’t (and still don’t) even bother to go after anything he was chasing, knowing he’d ram them aside.

Once he’d caught his prey, Squash would carry it right back to my lap. Unlike some dogs I could name, he’s great about dropping it, usually in easy reach.

Sometimes, though, the fork needed further killing, and a predator’s gotta do what a predator’s gotta do.

If you’re a cat person (I’m not, but I love this story anyway), read

I have some friends that have two cats and two dogs. The second cat was brought in as a kitten, no bigger than one’s fist, and has been sort-of ‘raised’ by the dogs, thus developing very dog-like behavior.
The cat is now -huge-, but while it was still tiny, I remember comming over one day to the bouncy delight of the (then single) dog, and saying, “Get me a toy! Go get me a toy!” The dog ran off to get one, and came back with the kitten pathetically dangling from its mouth. :slight_smile:

Yeah, yeah.
We’ve all seen your St. Bernard play fetch. :rolleyes:

Seriously, what are you feeding those things? :eek: :wink:

Wow, I thought my roommates’ cat was the only one who played fetch; I was just about to start a thread on it. He has a little lambskin mouse that he loves to carry around in his mouth, and he’ll bring it to you to throw for him.

I apologize for the delay, I <insert lame excuse here>. But I have some videoclips now. Let me know what you think!

Kitten in the bathroom
Kitten in the kitchen (Part 1)
Kitten in the kitchen (Part 2)


cool stuff, Gozu! I especially like the play-by-play commentary (it’s a nice touch).