My Life, My Comics... and Japanese Dopers, please?

First of all, I don’t start new threads often, so hopefully the mods won’t mind a little vanity post and a bit of self-promotion. crosses fingers I’ve been unemployed about a month and a half now (I think) after having to leave my job because of harassment from a coworker. (Tried to get it stopped, management would never take me seriously, etc.) Since then I’ve been working pretty hard on two webcomics, which I’m currently trying to build an audience for. One is on hiatus until the new year but has quite a few in the archives, Crap I Drew on My Lunch Break, and the other was and is currently updated Mon-Wed-Fri, Asylum On 5th Street. If you like comics please check them out, and tell a friend or two. I can’t afford proper advertising right now, so word of mouth is my only venue right now for getting them noticed. I want to publish Asylum by the end of next year, or be in the process, but I’ll need an audience to do it.

Second, I am looking for someone in Japan who could, out of the kindness of their hearts maybe (since I am completely broke) send me a couple of newspapers overseas. I had an artwork published in the Japan Times on Sunday, 23 Nov, and the editor that I was dealing with has failed to either tell me how to get my bank account information to her to get paid the $75 they’re giving me ('cause I need it to pay bills, damnit) or when I can expect to get a couple of copies to see. Anyway, the articles are here and here. I’m sure I’ll eventually get my money, but I’d really like to see it in print.

Thank you, and I’d love to see any comments y’all have about either.

I wish I could see your picture a little better. Mr. Hodges seemed to think highly of it.

How on earth did you decide to draw Alan Turing? Seems like a strange candidate for one of your drawrings.

Anyway, I’ve visited your site a few times, and with your talent combined with your knack for self promotion, I think you’ll do pretty well. Good luck getting paid, and getting a copy of your work in print. As soon as I make a friend, I’ll tell them to look for your comics.

Yer stuff rocks, Jin. Good luck.


Oh, I didn’t know you were a member of this board, jinwicked. I like your stuff, what happened to the Crap comic? My old bookmark leads nowhere. Wait, nevermind, you have a link to it above.

I always feel a weird pang of regret whenever I see the homepages of webcomic artists, especially when I take a look at their sketches and commissioned work. I think, “There but for the grace of God go I.” If I’d decided on art over anthropology, anyway. And I haven’t drawn anything besides random doodles of my professors in a long while. My poor, poor sketchbook is feeling ever so neglected, and my wonderful portfolio is mouldering away under my bed.

And I didn’t pick art school partly because I was afraid of ending up as another starving artist. You know, the talented but dime-a-dozen kind.

Um… thanks… I think.

Boosh! Judging by this comic your another struggling artist who got sucked into “The Vortex of Framing” like myself not long ago. The painter Robert Williams once described dealing with suburban housewives in a frame shop as “like experiencing menopause at gunpoint”. Matching tward drapes and couch indeed.

Say, you ever have a client say: “Gee, that mat you chose looks almost perfect – but it needs to be just a little bit more blue” so you say “Just a little bit more blue? Hmm… let me check my samples” so you shuffle the mat samples around, pass THE SAME mat sample under the table into your other hand, slide it into the deck and go “well this has just a touch more blue”. “Oh! That’s just perfect!”

“Yes. Yes it is…”

And I’m guessing you’ve NEVER quoted a price for a custom frame with a double acid-free mat and non-glare glass and had the customer say:

"$300!? Thats crazy, the print was only $25!?

“Yes. Yes it is…”

I could go on forever…

Oh, sorry, that wasn’t supposed to be a backhanded compliment. I like what you’re doing, really.

Whoa! I am a regular reader of Asylum On 5th Street! Happy to see you are posting here too!

I have to give myself a :smack: for not noticing that before.

I am in the same boat as you, recently I also lost my job.

I am also working on my own comic, but looking for work has turned into a priority, can I drop you a line later to talk more about comics and Japan?

I don’t know a lot about Japan, I just really want a newspaper with my artwork and I don’t know anyone there. :frowning: I know people in England and Europe, but nowhere in Asia. :frowning:

Would a photocopy be ok? If so, I could get a back issue from the local library.

Otherwise, I could ask around to see if anyone has back issues, or give the newspaper a call to see if they have any.

Ok, my wife just said that her office receives The Japan Times, so she’ll check tomorrow if last Sunday’s issue is still around.

I would really, really appreciate it…

I can’t believe the editor is not answering any mail from me. There could be an explanation but I wish I was kept informed. I’m going to contact the guy that wrote me article in another day or so to find out if he knows what’s going on. :frowning:

Why wait to contact the writer? Go for it, you’re entitled to that money.

Well the writer doesn’t have anything to do with the people that’s paying me, I just know him because he wrote a book about Turing and we’ve been in contact before. I don’t think he can help but he may be able to tell me if they’ve paid him or not.

I just got an answer back late tonight. They are supposedly on the way soon. Sublight, don’t worry about it if they don’t have a copy. Hopefully I’ll see it soon. If you still want to send it just in case, though, I promise to send something neat back to you as soon as I can afford to send mail. (If you want me to make something for you I’d be happy to, just that you were willing to go to the trouble for me…)

Hopefully I’ll get paid soon too. :frowning: