My Lunch ruined

There are raisins in my turkey TV dinner.
Ef’ing raisins, dammit.
What kind of perverted, sick, Byzantine mind puts raisins in dressing?

The same kind who put apples in it. Wrong, wrong, wrong. You have my sypathies, carnivorous plant. That’s just nasty.

My perverted, sick and Byzantine mind does insist on some pretty godawful things from time to time, but soggy, fat, bloated, warmed-up, snot-reminiscent raisins??? In otherwise perfectly good dressing? DEATH TO SWANSON!

What part, however, of a turkey TV dinner IS especially palatable?


They must have swiped my partner’s recipe, which includes golden raisins and some sort of sausage. He likes it, but I find it unpleasantly sweet and generally inedible.

Stuffing’s supposed to be bread, sage, celery, onion and a bit of egg to hold it together.

Raisins? UGH!

I’ve had dressing with raisins. I wasn’t particularly fond of it – nor of dressing with cranberries in it either. I didn’t hate it – I’ve had cooked raisins before in the form of Christmas pudding* (acceptable but not my favourite), raisin bread, etc. But stuffing ought to be just breadcrums and spices and maybe a bit of celery. No fruit.

Raisins also have no place in perfectly good rice pudding, and I will remove my glove and with it slap the face of anyone who says differently. Then it’s all pistols at dawn, man.

Said Christmas pudding also contained dimes. I’m told this was an English tradition. Yes, the pudding was rich on several levels.

My mother in law.

Are you sure it’s not rat poo?

The gravy and mashed potatoes. And the corn. Always eat the corn. And if there’s a little chocolate brownie lookin’ thing, I might eat that. But the cobbler thingies are gross.


I hate raisins, especially in dishes like stuffing where they really don’t belong.

You have my sympathy.

Ick. Raisins have no place there (though I will accept their presence in rice pudding). I imagine whoever put them there also has no problem with the travesty of produce known as a Waldorf salad.

the only hot raisins i want to eat are in oatmeal, and oatmeal cookies still warm from the oven.

and for baking i recommend soaking the raisins for a week in rum to make them soft and juicy … :smiley:

Rats that big would have taken over the factory and eaten the dinners and the folks who made them.

Thanks, all.
I picked through it like Mrs. Plant looking for onions in my Pad Thai.
Must’ve been a dozen of the damn things.

I agree with the OP. I do enjoy raisins, just not in places they don’t belong. This would also include salads. You don’t put raisins (or cranberries or oranges or any other weird ass fruit) in a salad. It just isn’t right.

The raisons cover up the acrid flavor of oppression common to TV Dinners.

This is a major battle in my family. I am firmly in the raisin-free stuffing camp, but my mother is on the other side. It makes for tense holidays.


You appear to be implying that Swanson TV dinners have flavour right out of the box.

You’re funny.

I never said that was a bad thing.

I guess that’s their raisons d’etre

While we are at it, the person who first put olives in potato salad deserves a swift kick to the crotch.